Showing 58 open source projects for "bootstrap site builder"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 1


    Repository of the bootstrap_form gem

    Official repository of the bootstrap_form gem, a Rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-looking forms using Bootstrap 5. bootstrap_form is a Rails form builder that makes it super easy to integrate Bootstrap v5-style forms into your Rails application. It provides form helpers that augment the Rails form helpers. bootstrap_forms's form helpers generate the form field and its label and all the Bootstrap mark-up required for proper Bootstrap display. bootstrap_form. You...
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  • 2
    Laravel 5 form builder

    Laravel 5 form builder

    Laravel Form builder for version 5+

    Form builder for Laravel 5 inspired by Symfony's form builder. With the help of Laravels FormBuilder class creates forms that can be easily modified and reused. By default, it supports Bootstrap 3.
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  • 3


    e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL

    ... content downloads to your users with searchable structured content. Allows users to register on your website with their email address or social network account. Limit content to specific users. Make your site "members only" if you wish. Group users for specific access rights and permissions. Built with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery and all the goodies you love.
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  • 4


    Drag and drop website builder javascript library

    Drag and drop website builder javascript library. Components and blocks/snippets drag and drop. Undo/Redo operations. One or two panels interface. File manager and component hierarchy navigation. Add a new page. Live code editor. Image upload with example PHP script included. Page download or export HTML or save the page on the server with example PHP script included. Components/Blocks list search. Bootstrap 4 components. Youtube, Google maps, Charts.js, etc widgets. By default, the editor...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    Spring Security

    Spring Security

    Authentication and access-control framework

    ... is invoked from the root of the source tree and serves as a cross-platform, self-contained bootstrap mechanism for the build. Be sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the jdk-11 folder extracted from the JDK download.
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  • 6
    Laravel Craftable

    Laravel Craftable

    Admin panel builder / CRUD generator for Laravel

    Hi Crafter, welcome to the official documentation for Craftable 6 - a Laravel-based open-source toolkit for building administration interfaces. It's an administration area minimalistic template. A starting point for developing back-office systems, intranets, or CMS systems. Craftable is a Laravel-based open-source toolkit for building administration interfaces. It ships with a powerful CRUD generator to speed up the development of your CMS, CRM or other back-office system.
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  • 7


    Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder

    Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Georg Brandl and licensed under the BSD license. It was originally created for the Python documentation, and it has excellent facilities for the documentation of software projects in a range of languages. Of course, this site is also created from reStructuredText sources using Sphinx! HTML (including Windows HTML Help), LaTeX (for printable PDF versions), ePub, Texinfo, manual pages, plain text...
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  • 8


    Misago is fully featured modern forum application

    Misago aims to be a complete, featured and modern forum solution that has no fear to say 'NO' to common and outdated opinions about how forum software should be made and what it should do. Your users may register accounts, set avatars, change options and edit their profiles. They have the option to reset forgotten passwords. Site admins may require users to confirm validity of their e-mail addresses via e-mail sent activation link, or limit user account activation to administrator action...
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    A Django content management system focused on flexibility & UX

    Wagtail is a powerful, open source content management system that’s focused on flexibility and user experience. Built on Django, Wagtail offers precise control and flexibility for designers, developers and editors. Designed by developers for developers, Wagtail plays nicely with everything else in your tech stack so you can do more and focus on perfecting your site. Designers will find Wagtail’s simple templating system ideal for building beautiful websites just the way they want, without any...
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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  • 10
    Django jazzmin

    Django jazzmin

    Jazzy theme for Django

    Welcome to Jazzmin, intended as a drop-in app to jazz up your django admin site, with plenty of things you can easily customize, including a built-in UI customizer. 4 different Change form templates (horizontal tabs, vertical tabs, carousel, collapsible). Bootstrap 4 modal (instead of the old popup window, optional). Search bar for any given model admin. Customizable UI (via Live UI changes, or custom CSS/JS). Select2 drop-downs. Bootstrap 4 & AdminLTE UI components. You can add links...
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  • 11
    Laravel MongoDB

    Laravel MongoDB

    MongoDB based eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel

    This package adds functionalities to the Eloquent model and Query builder for MongoDB, using the original Laravel API. This library extends the original Laravel classes, so it uses exactly the same methods. Make sure you have the MongoDB PHP driver installed. In case your Laravel version does NOT autoload the packages, add the service provider to config/app.php. For usage with Lumen, add the service provider in bootstrap/app.php. In this file, you will also need to enable Eloquent. You must...
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  • 12
    GitHub Pages Ruby Gem

    GitHub Pages Ruby Gem

    A simple Ruby Gem to bootstrap dependencies

    Websites for you and your projects. Hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.
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  • 13


    Simple.css is a classless CSS template to make a good website

    ... for the Bootstrap framework is 144KB in total. By comparison, Simple.css is around 4KB. Obviously Simple.css and Bootstrap don’t compare in terms of their functionality, but Simple.css allows website developers to spin something up very quickly that looks good and needs very little work. By using something like Simple.css, provides the basics to get up and running quickly (or just use it as-is for a simple, good-looking site) yet not have to learn an extremely convoluted framework.
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  • 14


    Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin

    ... in your application will be easily accessible and will live in a single place. Compatible with local or s3 file storage. You can easily build menus for your site. In fact the menu in the Voyager admin is built using the menu builder. You can add/edit/delete menu items from any menu. Then it's so easy to show your menu on the front end.
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    WordPress for Android

    WordPress for Android

    WordPress for Android

    If you're just looking to install WordPress for Android, you can find it on Google Play. If you're a developer wanting to contribute, read on. Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere. WordPress mobile apps put the power of publishing in your hands. And of course, they’re open source, just like WordPress. WordPress for Android lets you take the power to publish to the web with you. It is much more than a website builder. Give your great ideas a home on the web. WordPress for Android is a website...
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  • 16


    Laravel Admin Package that includes operations, a media manager, etc.

    ... to your posts, pages, or any other table in your database. Voyager has a fully functional media manager which allows you to view/edit/delete files from your storage. All files in your application will be easily accessible and will live in a single place. Compatible with local or s3 file storage. You can easily build menus for your site. In fact the menu in the voyager admin is built using the menu builder. You can add/edit/delete menu items from any menu.
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  • 17


    Your shiny new Java/Scala build tool

    Your shiny new Scala build tool! Confused by SBT? Frustrated by Maven? Perplexed by Gradle? Give Mill a try. In-process tests live in the .test sub-modules of the various Mill modules. These range from tiny unit tests, to larger integration tests that instantiate a TestUtil.BaseModule in-process and a TestEvaluator to evaluate tasks on it. Note that the in-memory tests compile the BaseModule together with the test suite, and do not exercise the Mill script-file bootstrapping, transformation,...
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  • 18
    Understrap WordPress Theme Framework

    Understrap WordPress Theme Framework

    The renowned open-source WordPress starter theme

    Fully designed, beautifully implemented themes for quick site builds. The premier starter theme for custom WordPress development. Parent and Child Theme. Free and Open-Source. Train your team to become Understrap experts in record time. Start with simple, powerful theme code based on Underscores, the best-practices starter theme from Automattic, the creators of WordPress. Add beautiful, flexible styles, components, grids and responsive design with Bootstrap, the industry standard for mobile...
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    A web framework for Lua and OpenResty written in MoonScript

    Lapis is a framework for building web applications in Lua (or MoonScript) that primarily targets OpenResty, a high-performance web platform that runs on a customized version of Nginx. Lapis can also be used in other server environments, being compatible with any modern version of Lua. With OpenResty, Lua is run directly inside of the Nginx worker using LuaJIT, giving you the smallest barrier between the webserver and your code. Have a look at Web Framework Benchmarks just to see how...
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    Java based open source static site/blog generator for developers

    ... dependencies. The binary distribution runs on Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS X. Plugins are available for Gradle, Maven, mill, SBuild and sbt. Supports AsciiDoc, Markdown, and good old HTML formatted content. Freemarker, Groovy, Thymeleaf, Jade and Pebble-based templates & scripting support. Easily integrate CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. Store your site content in Dropbox, CVS, SVN, Git or whatever you want.
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  • 21
    Ignite UI for jQuery

    Ignite UI for jQuery

    Ignite UI for jQuery by Infragistics

    ... for jQuery features support for Bootstrap themes, AngularJS, Knockout, and jQuery Mobile.
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  • 22


    Automated operation and maintenance platform

    Automated operation and maintenance platform: code and application deployment CI/CD, asset management CMDB, scheduled task management platform, SQL audit | rollback, task scheduling, on-site WIKI. A code deployment, application deployment, scheduled tasks, and equipment asset management platform. Welcome to star or fork my open source project. If you need to quote the project code in your own project, please declare the agreement and copyright information in the project. Programming language...
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    pH7 Social Dating CMS (pH7Builder)❤️

    pH7 Social Dating CMS (pH7Builder)❤️

    🚀 Professional Social Dating Web App Builder (formerly pH7CMS)

    pH7Builder is a Professional, Free & Open Source PHP Social Dating Builder Software (primarily designed for developers ...). This Social Dating Web App is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is low resource-intensive, extremely powerful and highly secure. pH7Builder is included with over 42 native modules and is based on its homemade pH7 Framework which includes more than 52 packages To summarize, pH7Builder Social Dating Script gives...
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    CMS framework for Django

    ... a simple yet highly extensible architecture that lets you really get into the code. Apart from the features that come with Django such as MVC architecture, ORM, templating and caching, Mezzanine comes with a great many other features. This includes hierarchical page navigation, a simple drag-and-drop HTML5 forms builder with CSV export, scheduled publishing, easy page ordering, social media sharing, and so much more.
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    New additions to the Java programming language

    Project Lombok is a java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your java. Never write another getter or equals method again, with one annotation your class has a fully featured builder, Automate your logging variables, and much more. Project Lombok is available as a single jar file on the project site. It includes the APIs for development as an installer for IDE integration. On most systems, simply double-clicking the jar file will launch the installer...
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