Jainja is a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) written in Java
C library for sending e-mail (with attachments) from C/C++
ALFOUR Programming language. Simple, safe, power, multi-platform.
Oberon family of languages to C translator for ARM, x64 and x86 archit
Build system for c++ with scripts written in c++
String editing and formatting library for Ada
Contributions to Ada bindings to GTK+
Automatic build of fresher gcc compiler and older MinGW-w64
Utilities Library for C
An implementation of interval arithmetic
Tables indexed by strings
Hexadecimal strings test tool
Wildcat: Simple "C" XML reader
Cross-platform IDE for developing embedded solutions and desktops
A GUI library for designing gauges, meters, oscilloscopes, plotters
console tools, batch scripts, shell scripts, shell tools, utilities
simulated annealing optimization and importance-sampling
d7avx + dbgavx - SSE/AVX development/debug helpers for 32bits delphi