Support library for the Nylo framework
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Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes
MyUW Django development server
The simple, secure framework developers trust
Software Supply Chain Security Platform
The fastest time series object store for Edge AI
Generative AI Examples is a collection of GenAI examples
The enterprise-ready webhooks service
Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration
Amazon Elastic Container Service Agent
Kubernetes object analysis with recommendations
Vim bindings for the web by design
AWS X-Ray SDK for the Go programming language
AWS X-Ray SDK for the Python programming language
Gracefully handle EC2 instance shutdown within Kubernetes
API creation made simple, secure and fast
Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster with graphical interface
CLI tool and python library to inspect databases fast
Authenticator via oauth2, direct, email and telegram
HTMLPurifier for Laravel 5/6/7/8/9/10/11
OpenAI API Client in PHP SDK for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E
Manages Envoy Proxy as a Standalone or Kubernetes-based Gateway
A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets
Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications