Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps
Supercharged version of Create React App with all the bells
The first declarative React Native router
A starter boilerplate for a universal web app
Simple Koa Boilerplate for APIs
A lightweight boilerplate for a universal webapp based on koa
Open source framework to build & develop applications in the Go way
Angular admin dashboard with material design
Bug-fix-only libev port of shadowsocks
A Vue CLI 3+ preset (previously a Vue CLI 2 boilerplate)
Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
A vue2.0 minimal admin template
React-router middleware for koa 2
Effortless documentation, done right
koa decorator
React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework
Universal React+GraphQL starter kit: React 16, Apollo 2, MobX
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework
Koaton is a CLI tool that provides a starting point for full stack JS
Minimalist Wrapper of multer, for koa-router
A super easy WiFi hotspot user management utility for Mikrotik router
lightweight React-Koa2 universal boilerplate, only what is essential
a fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty
Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router