Showing 83 open source projects for "head for windows"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    A Pure Java Single-Page App Framework

    Make fast, lightweight, native, single-page web apps that run in modern browsers while coding entirely in Java. * Website: * Mastodon: * Podcast: * Source Code: * Introductory article in java Magazine:
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  • 2


    CLIPS compatible application which allows a high performance execution

    ... performs 200% - 400% faster than the original version of CLIPS. The CLIPS test suite(including misclns4.tst) are available from here.
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  • 3


    Generate critical CSS for your web pages

    ...). It should be placed in the header, replacing the full CSS link(s). The full CSS, and JS script tags (which also block rendering), should be moved out of the HEAD, to the end of the page, just before the closing body tag. You need to generate critical CSS for each page individually. Make sure to only move down the full CSS to the bottom of the page for pages where you have inlined critical path CSS in the header.
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    An advanced platform for writing functional applications in Java 8

    ...) -- New data structures do not support operations that would throw exceptions (you can't call head on an empty list for example). Eager and Lazy alternatives for most datastructures (Option is eager, Maybe is lazy + reactive). Improved naming of types (Function1-8 rather than Fn1-8, Either not Xor). Group id is changed to com.oath.cyclops. Versioning between cyclops-react and cyclops is merged on cyclops versioning scheme (version 10 = Cyclops X).
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    Laravel Boilerplate

    Laravel Boilerplate

    A massive head start on any size web application

    Laravel Boilerplate installs like a regular Laravel application. If you've done it once, you've done it a million times. Laravel Boilerplate provides you with a massive head start on any size web application. Out of the box it has features like a backend built on CoreUI with Spatie/Permission authorization. It has a frontend scaffold built on Bootstrap 4. Other features such as Two Factor Authentication, User/Role management, searchable/sortable tables built on my Laravel Livewire tables plugin...
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  • 6


    Javascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library

    ... want to keep it framework agnostic so the outputs of the library are raw, if the face is detected or not, the position and the scale of the detected face and the rotation Euler angles. But thanks to the featured helpers, examples and boilerplates, you can quickly deal with a higher level context (for motion head tracking, for face filter or face replacement). We continuously add new demonstrations, so stay tuned!
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    A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints

    CocoaRestClient is a Mac OS X app for testing HTTP/Restful endpoints. I love curl, but sometimes I need my output XML or JSON pretty printed. I want to be able to save frequent PUT and POST bodies for later and copy and paste responses easily. Think of this as a curl with a light UI. The goal of this project is to build a lightweight native Cocoa app for testing and debugging HTTP Restful services. This project was greatly inspired by the Java rest-client.
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  • 8


    A lightweight REST miniframework for Python

    ... with almost any ORM/data source. If you can import a module to work with the data & can represent it as JSON, Restless can work with it. Restless is small & easy to keep in your head. Common usages involve overriding just a few easily remembered method names. Total source code is an under a thousand lines of code.
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  • 9


    PyTorch Implementation for "TransPose, Keypoint localization

    TransPose is a human pose estimation model based on a CNN feature extractor, a Transformer Encoder, and a prediction head. Given an image, the attention layers built in Transformer can efficiently capture long-range spatial relationships between keypoints and explain what dependencies the predicted keypoints locations highly rely on.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 10
    Jekyll JSON Feed plugin

    Jekyll JSON Feed plugin

    A Jekyll plugin to generate a JSON (RSS-like) feed of your Jekyll post

    A Jekyll plugin to generate a JSON feed of your Jekyll posts. The plugin will automatically use any of the following configuration variables, if they are present in your site's _config.yml file. The plugin exposes a helper tag to expose the appropriate meta tags to support the automated discovery of your feed. Simply place {% json_feed_meta %} someplace in your template's <head> section, to output the necessary metadata. The plugin uses Jekyll's smartify filter for processing the site title...
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  • 11
    Sparkler - for API development

    Sparkler - for API development

    Cross platform API request builder to make HTTP with different methods

    Cross platform API request builder to make HTTP with different methods and WebSocket connection and you can send and receive data
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  • 12


    A minimal and beautiful Jekyll theme best for writing and note-taking

    A minimal and beautiful Jekyll theme best for writing and note-taking. The original purpose of this theme is to be a replacement of the default Jekyll theme -- Minima. Hamilton is an enhancement of Minima but still, keep in minimal.
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  • 13


    Fast and flexible AutoML with learning guarantees

    ... iteration, it measures the ensemble loss for each candidate, and selects the best one to move onto the next iteration. Adaptive neural architecture search and ensemble learning in a single train call. Regression, binary and multi-class classification, and multi-head task support. A tf.estimator.Estimator API for training, evaluation, prediction, and serving models.
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  • 14
    React Helmet

    React Helmet

    A document head manager for React

    This reusable React component will manage all of your changes to the document head. Helmet takes plain HTML tags and outputs plain HTML tags. It's dead simple, and React beginner friendly. Helmet 5 is fully backward-compatible with previous Helmet releases, so you can upgrade at any time without fear of breaking changes. We encourage you to update your code to our more semantic API, but please feel free to do so at your own pace. If you are using a prebuilt compilation of your app with webpack...
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  • 15


    JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs

    Rickshaw provides the elements you need to create interactive graphs, renderers, legends, hovers, range selectors, etc. You put the pieces together. It's all based on d3 underneath, so graphs are drawn with standard SVG and styled with CSS. Customize all you like with techniques you already know. Rickshaw is free and open source, available under the MIT license. Developed at Shutterstock. Rickshaw relies on the fantastic D3 visualization library to do lots of the heavy lifting for stacking...
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  • 16


    An exceptionally fast, thorough and tiny unused-CSS cleaner

    DropCSS takes your HTML and CSS as input and returns only the used CSS as output. Its custom HTML and CSS parsers are highly optimized for the 99% use case and thus avoid the overhead of handling malformed markup or stylesheets, so well-formed input is required. There is minimal handling for complex escaping rules, so there will always exist cases of valid input that cannot be processed by DropCSS; for these infrequent cases, please start a discussion. While the HTML spec allows html, head...
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  • 17
    Laravel Event Projector

    Laravel Event Projector

    Event sourcing for Artisans

    This package aims to be the entry point to get started with event sourcing in Laravel. It can help you with setting up aggregates, projectors, and reactors. If you've never worked with event sourcing, or are uncertain about what aggregates, projectors and reactors are head over to the getting familiar with event sourcing section in our docs.
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  • 18


    An HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor with preview window

    ... page rather than separate editors for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The parts go between the ```<body>, <style> and <script>``` tags. I prefer this method of working and one advantage is the ability to show a saved web page in a browser (on another device, possibly) by entering a "file://..." URL. Head to the Wiki for more information.
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  • 19
    React + GraphQL starter kit

    React + GraphQL starter kit

    Universal React+GraphQL starter kit: React 16, Apollo 2, MobX

    ... for declarative browser + server routes. GraphQL Code Generator v1.1 for parsing remote GraphQL server schemas, for automatically building fully-typed Apollo React HOCs instead of writing <Query> / <Mutation> queries manually. Declarative/dynamic <head> section, using react-helmet.
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    RWD Freeze Table

    RWD Freeze Table

    RWD Table with freezing head and columns for jQuery

    RWD Table with freezing head and columns for jQuery. Freeze the head rows and columns for a large table with RWD. Optional features such as Freeze Scroll Bar. Namespace support for multiple tables.
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  • 21


    A functional programming toolkit for JavaScript

    FKit (pronounced eff-kit) is a functional programming toolkit for JavaScript. It provides many functions for solving common problems with functions, objects, arrays, and strings. It aims to provide reusable building blocks while maintaining a laser focus on everyday utility.
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  • 22


    An example of how to use the Tilia packages to create great content

    VRTK is a collection of useful, reusable solutions to common problems found when building for virtual reality. VRTK aims to help productivity by speeding up the creation process from prototyping ideas to building complete solutions. The passion behind VRTK is to try and enable as many people as possible to build for VR, from seasoned developers to complete beginners who have a wonderful idea in their head but are unsure of how to create it. VRTK aims to be easy to understand so the absolute...
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    Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and loads it into the browser

    Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it into the browser as you are coding! There is a new Figwheel in town! Figwheel Main is a complete re-write of Figwheel and represents the latest and greatest version of Figwheel. It works great with Leiningen or the new Clojure CLI Tools. So head over to Figwheel Main to give it a try. Get a quick idea of what figwheel does by watching the 6-minute flappy bird demo of figwheel. If you write reloadable code, figwheel can facilitate...
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    A starting point for crafting living style guides

    A starting point for crafting living style guides. You can clone, fork, or download the repo from GitHub. Once you have the files for Style Guide Boilerplate, you'll create a directory on your site for them. Style Guide Boilerplate is currently PHP based so you will need a server that supports PHP. Upload the files from the GitHub repo to your newly created directory. In the head of Style Guide Boilerplate are custom styles for the boilerplate itself. These have all been prefixed with sg- so...
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    Document & develop React components without breaking a sweat

    Document & develop React components without breaking a sweat. Zero-config, no plugins, components over configuration. use markdown, MDX, or React components, automatic file system based routing, completely customizable, export static sites, works as an isolated development environment. x0 renders a directory of React components, automatically handling routing based on filename. Create a docs folder and add an index.js file. Use the async getInitialProps static method to fetch data for static...
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