Heavy metal SOAP client
Laravel Soap Client
NetSuite PHP API Client with namespaces and autoloading
PHP implementation of SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 client specifications
Generates a PHP SDK based on a WSDL, simple and powerful, WSDL to PHP
A general purpose SOAP client for PHP
A Python SOAP client
Implementation of ENTSOG AS4, e-SENS AS4, ebMS AS4, PEPPOL AS4
A web application for testing webservices
RASD for Oracle
PMko je klient pro službu WSGP
Access to the TR64 API of a Fritzbox
SOAP package for Go
WSDL2Go code generation as well as its SOAP proxy
Cclite Alternative Currency Software
JMEDS is a lightweight, modular extendable Java Framework for DPWS.
SOA infrastracture initially developed by NICT Language Grid Project
TCPMonPlus intercepts TCP packets and SOAP reqeusts
Yet Another DPWS Stack, a WS4D JMEDS fork (discontinued)