Thank you for your DONATIONS for Pinger alert, STATICTICAL TABLES, send EMAILs or SMS by SMS GATEWAY. Look on the tab files, select and download the version of the operating system that you need of this slight textual code that requires no system update. Network monitoring analyzer, network scanner with ping, traceroute and beeper alert and warning mail sender. Capable of scanning IP INFINIT, automatic detection of the source of network interruptions without GUI interface configurations. More, it is designed for the computer technician who carries a powerful tool in the USB key.
In addition, an audible alarm warns you via Telnet or SSH terminal, a log files recorded can be used to convey specific information to the system administrator. It is comes with a configurable for warning by email.
lightweight code, coming with the source files, written in C, Email warning sender, ANDROID ping, SPARC, AMD64, traceroute, DETECT SOURCE Downs, Warning by Email, C language