HOC Tools
BHS debian (testing) jessie/sid
Security (Hack) Application
Brutforces 4 characters of the SHA256 cryptograhy.
Password protected zip file cracker.
BWST is a short word for Brute-force Word-list Segmentation Technique.
HTTP Bruteforcer
A Genetic Algorithm for Reactors in StarMade
Vigenere brute force / dictionary cracking tool
Elemata is an open source content management system.
Perl Hacking Tools (BackTrack)
Data Encrypton Software utilizing IMPACT
Cracks MD5 hashes using brute force attack
A really secure user authentication system in PHP and MySQL.
Word List Generator for Windows
A simple sudoku solver !
Java brute force system of equations solver
Block undesired IPs for vsftp
Detect Flooder IPs, Reduce Attack Surface against HTTP Flood Attacks
Generate wordlists using different methods
Checker for recursively arbitrarily partitionable balloons
Block countries via iptables and gui menu with country flags.