ProGuard Maven plugin that supports modularised ProGuard packages
Mkpass - Command line Secure Password Generator
If You want to change your passwords globally, this program is for You
Generate file version information
Java library to handle NIST SCAP: CPE, CVE, CVSS, etc.
Small tool for apk operations required during android app pentesting
Hot directory
Create,extract and encrypt ZIP,GZIP,TAR,BZIP2,TAZ files on Java mobile
msfvenom shellcode generator/compiler/listenner
encrypt data
Compiled into a single .jar file. Tiny Password Manager. Portable
Don't get phished!
a deliberately vulnerable Web application
AES-128 bit file encryptor
JCRYPT - JMasters Encryption/Decryption Service
Fileprivacy easily encrypts your files
File Encoder And Decoder
Kerberized Messaging Toolkit for Java
Sniffs Packet on lan