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    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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  • 1


    The Open Source CFD Toolbox

    OpenFOAM - The Open Source CFD Toolbox. OpenFOAM is a generic, programmable software tool for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). For more information, see: - Main Website: https://openfoam.org - C++ Source Documentation: https://cpp.openfoam.org - Issue (Bug) Tracking: https://bugs.openfoam.org - User Guide: https://cfd.direct/openfoam/user-guide
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  • 2
    Elmer finite element software

    Elmer finite element software

    Open source finite element software for multiphysical problems

    Elmer is a finite element software for numerical solution of partial differential equations and multiphysical problems. It includes models of structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electromagnetics etc. Elmer home is www.csc.fi/elmer
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  • 3


    Free Animal Tracking Software

    ToxTrac is a free Windows program optimized for tracking animals. It uses an advanced tracking algorithm and includes Preprocessing, Background subtraction, Thresholding, Post-processing, and Filters. It is robust; very fast; and can handle one or several animals in one or several environments. The program provides useful statistics as output. ToxTrac can be used for fish, insects, rodents, etc. If used, please cite: Rodriguez, A., Zhang, H., Klaminder, J., Brodin, T., Andersson, P....
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  • 4


    Weld Optimization for Automatic Welding

    Science based weld software to develop optimal automatic weld procedures. SmartWeld is a PC based tool for designers, engineers, and technicians to aid in selecting, optimizing, and configuring automated welding processes.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 5
    CFDTool - CFD & OpenFOAM GUI Toolbox

    CFDTool - CFD & OpenFOAM GUI Toolbox

    CFDTool - Easy to Use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox

    CFDTool - "CFD Simulation Made Easy" CFDTool is a fluid dynamics toolbox for modeling and simulation of flows with coupled heat transfer. Based on FEATool Multiphysics (https://www.featool.com), CFDTool is specifically designed to make advanced fluid mechanics and heat transfer simulations both easy and enjoyable. - Completely stand-alone and cross-platform self-contained toolbox - Optionally use as MATLAB Add-On toolbox - Fully integrated and easy to use MATLAB GUI - Modeling...
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  • 6
    FEATool Multiphysics - FEA Toolbox

    FEATool Multiphysics - FEA Toolbox

    FEATool Multiphysics is an easy to use FEA and CFD Simulation Toolbox

    ... as an easy-to-use GUI for OpenFOAM (https://www.featool.com/Easy-to-Use-OpenFOAM-GUI). With built-in CAD and pre-processing, automatic mesh generation, solvers, and postprocessing, FEATool enables large scale dynamical models and physics simulations to be set up and solved easily and quickly directly in the integrated MATLAB GUI. Multiphysics and multi-simulation also allows for fully coupled fluid flow, heat transfer, chemical transport, electromagnetics, and fluid-structure interaction simulation.
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  • 7


    console to calculate airflow around an airfoil based on RANS approach

    ... and heat transfer and the effect of surface roughness on near wall flow are considered by this program, it can be used for engineering calculation of the friction drag and heat transfer coefficients on airfoil surface. RANSFOIL reads coordinates data from a 1D XYZ file which describes the grid points or control points on airfoil as only input, then outputs grid and solution files in 2D PLOT3D format to record grid coordinates and airflow data and a report file to show aerodynamic parameters.
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  • 8
    Project: Icarus

    Project: Icarus

    A model rocketry project studying temperatures inside the body tube

    Project: Icarus is a proof of concept model rocketry research project that brings several individual projects together into a single model rocketry research launch vehicle. This specific project includes an avionics payload, temperature sensors along the body, and a video camera. The sensors record the heat buildup inside the body tube as the solid rocket motor burns and fires the ejection charge. The sensors are placed in three different locations along the body tube to provide data...
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  • 9
    SMTracker (v1.5, v2.0)

    SMTracker (v1.5, v2.0)

    A tool for analysis and visualization of single-molecule tracking data

    ... fits, d) by Jump Distance analysis. It also includes exploratory tools to visualise single trajectories or dynamic heat maps.
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10
    Laser Flash Method

    Laser Flash Method

    Measurement of specific heat and thermal diffusivity of materials

    This program is designed to measure thermophysical properties of materials (thermal diffusivity and specific heat) by the laser flash method. A huge thanks to ULVAC RICO Inc.(Japan), whose equipment is still in operation and for which this program is implemented. The measurements are performed by a multifunctional analog input board PCI-1710UL (ADVANTECH, Taiwan), which is used as a variable-frequency signal recorder (in range 40 Hz – 40 KHz). The program is designed for simultaneous use...
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  • 11
    Python/FEniCS Examples

    Python/FEniCS Examples

    phase-field simulation and other examples with Python/FEniCS

    The main goal of this project was developing phase-field simulations of lithium dendrite growth with FEniCS programmed in Python. The problem was based in the grand potential-based model of Zijian Hong and Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan (https://doi.org/10.1021/acsenergylett.8b01009) . Some simpler examples were developed before for a first approach with FEniCS: heat equation and combustion model.
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  • 12

    Brewery HMI

    Web app for all-grain brewers. Automate your electric brewery.

    ... of the input and feedback it could be possible (ex. read temperature from sensor. Turn heat source on/off). This project uses the free Maker Edition of the Ignition platform. https://inductiveautomation.com/ignition/maker-edition Sierra Nevada and Stone Brewery use the (paid) Ignition platform. https://inductiveautomation.com/resources/casestudy/ignition-system-meets-all-user-requests https://inductiveautomation.com/resources/casestudy/brewery-improves-efficiency-in-multiple-areas-with-ignition
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  • 13


    Calculating heat loss of a room

    ThermoCalc is a program for calculating thermal dissipation (heat loss) of a room, based of wall materials used for building the walls
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  • 14


    Analysis and visualization of complexome profiling data.

    NOVA is a program designed to analysis complexome profiling data (Heide et al., 2012). A graphical user interface (GUI) provides various visualization tools, such as heat maps and 2D plots. Several hierarchical clustering algorithms (e.g., single linkage, average linkage, Wards linkage), different distance measures (e.g., Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, Pearson distance), and various normalization techniques are implemented. Many additional functions like zooming, searching for proteins...
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  • 15
    Finite Element Method Magnetics

    Finite Element Method Magnetics

    Finite element analysis of electromagnetic devices

    Solves low frequency magnetic, electrostatic, heat flow, and current flow problems on 2D and axisymmetric domains via the finite element method.
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  • 16
    Glass Shutters

    Glass Shutters

    Secondary glazing for sash windows

    Application for generating CAD scripts for drawing Glass Shutters for sash windows. Glass Shutters may be used as an alternative to double glazing where it is required to preserve the appearance of your traditional sash windows. The glass is toughened and has a coating which reflects heat back into the room while still letting in heat from the sun. The frameless panels are easily opened to allow access to the window. By choosing an appropriate style, the panel divisions can be made...
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  • 17
    Numerics for Chemical Engineering

    Numerics for Chemical Engineering

    Numerical models for chemical and process engineering

    NCE Calculation Framework is a library of routines, models and data applicable to chemical and process engineering calculations, written in Java. -- NEW -- www.chesolver.com *ONLINE CALCULATORS*. A set of solvers to perform calculations consistently on any device, from smart-phone to desktop. The project includes the following ready to use software all based on the same core library: * Online Calculators at www.chesolver.com * Extensions for Libreoffice/Openoffice Calc...
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  • 18
    Heat Wizard

    Heat Wizard

    thermocouple voltages to temperatures converter

    Heat Wizard converts thermocouple voltages to temperatures and back.
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  • 19
    Heat transfer in a bar and sphere

    Heat transfer in a bar and sphere

    Heat transfer in a bar and sphere using finite differences.

    Simulation of the heat transfer in a bar and a sphere (1D) using finite differences in Matlab. Authors: -Jheyson A. Mogollon R. - jheyson260@gmail.com -Luca Meinardo - lucameinardo@gmail.com -Angie Xiomara González - angiegduque@gmail.com Current Version: 2.0 Date: 30/05/2017
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    NGSolve is a general purpose Finite Element Library on top of Netgen. With the basic library one can solve heat flow equations, Maxwell equations, and solid mechanical problems. Several add-ons are available for particular application classes. New paper: J. Schöberl: "C++11 Implementation of Finite Elements in NGSolve", ASC Report 30/2014, Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology, 2014 http://www.asc.tuwien.ac.at/~schoeberl/wiki/publications/ngs...
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  • 21
    ThermoPower is a Modelica library for the modelling of thermal power plants. It provides basic building blocks for system-level dynamic modelling of conventional, combined cycle, combined heat&power, ORC, solar, and nuclear plants.
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  • 22

    2d Heat advection Parallelized

    MPI based Parallelized C Program code to solve for 2D heat advection.

    Type - 2D Grid - Structured Cartesian Case - Heat advection Method - Finite Volume Method Approach - Flux based Accuracy - First order Scheme - Explicit, QUICK Temporal - Unsteady Parallelized - MPI (for cluster environment) Inputs: [ Length of domain (LX,LY) Time step - DT Material properties - Conductivity (k or kk) Density - (rho) Heat capacity - (cp) Boundary condition and Initial condition. ] Setup: The left and top edges are heated to 100 C and the right and bottom...
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  • 23

    3D Heat advection C code

    A C Program code to solve for Heat advection in 3D Cartesian grid.

    Type - 3D Grid - Structured Cartesian Case - Heat advection Method - Finite Volume Method Approach - Flux based Accuracy - First order Scheme - Explicit, QUICK Temporal - Unsteady Parallelized - No Inputs: [ Length of domain (LX,LY,LZ) Time step - DT Material properties - Conductivity (k or kk) Density - (rho) Heat capacity - (cp) Boundary condition and Initial condition. ] Setup : The left, top and inside plane boundary is at 100 C and the right, bottom and outside plane...
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  • 24

    2D Heat advection C code

    A C Program code to solve for Heat advection in 2D Cartesian grid.

    Type - 2D Grid - Structured Cartesian Case - Heat advection Method - Finite Volume Method Approach - Flux based Accuracy - First order Scheme - Explicit, QUICK Temporal - Unsteady Parallelized - No Inputs: [ Length of domain (LX,LY) Time step - DT Material properties - Conductivity (k or kk) Density - (rho) Heat capacity - (cp) Boundary condition and Initial condition. ] Setup : The left and top boundary is at 100 C and the right and bottom boundary is at 0 C. The flow...
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  • 25

    3D Heat convection C code

    A C Program code to solve for Heat convection in 3D Cartesian grid.

    Type - 3D Grid - Structured Cartesian Case - Heat convection Method - Finite Volume Method Approach - Flux based Accuracy - First order Scheme - Explicit, QUICK Temporal - Unsteady Parallelized - No Inputs: [ Length of domain (LX,LY) Time step - DT Material properties - Conductivity (k or kk) Density - (rho) Heat capacity - (cp) Boundary condition and Initial condition. ] Setup : The top, bottom, front and back boundaries are heated to 100 C. The left boundary is inlet...
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