Fully Automated Process in One Tool: From Purchase Orders to Budget Control and Reporting.
For minor company expenses, you might utilize a spend management solution or track everything in spreadsheets. For everything more, you'll need Precoro. We help companies achieve procurement excellence and budget efficiency by building transparent, predictable, automated spending workflows.
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The AI-powered unified PSA-RMM platform for modern MSPs.
Trusted PSA-RMM partner of MSPs worldwide
SuperOps.ai is the only PSA-RMM platform powered by intelligent automation and thoughtfully crafted for the new-age MSP. The platform also helps MSPs manage their projects, clients, and IT documents from a single place.
JDIFF is a program that outputs the differences between two binary files, either in binary format or in human readable format (detailed or summarized) and then allows to reconstruct the second file from the first one and the diff-file.
...): https://sourceforge.net/projects/geoms2/files/Geostatistics_Petroleum.zip/download
Download datasets for students of Geostatistics 2017 (Geology and Mining Engineering): https://sourceforge.net/projects/geoms2/files/Geostatistics_Mining.zip/download
NOTE: download MapGrid Reclass_setup_version.7z for full application.
Map grids (raster maps) can be easily reclassified with this Windows-based stand-alone program. It displays the original grid, provides basic information on cell values, and displays and saves the reclassified grid. It opens and saves tif, asc and bil formats.
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Framework zum Aktualisieren ihrer Anwendungsdaten.
Das Ziel vom Up2Date Framework ist es auf einfachste und effektivste Weise große Mengen von Dateien zu vergleichen und bei Bedarf zu Komprimieren / Aktualisieren. Das Framework dient als Schnittstelle für andere Entwickler die die Funktionen schnell und unkompliziert in Ihre eigenen Projekte integrieren möchten.