IEC 104 RTU Server Client Simulator Source Code Library Win Linux
Cross platform electromagnetics finite element analyisis based on FEMM
Open source software calculating industrial noise in the environment
Object-oriented equation-based modelling and optimisation software
Tool support for the Z formal notation
Automates the building of VANET simulations using SUMO and OMNeT++
Transmission Electron Microscope Image Simulation
Command-line operators for netCDF and HDF files
Scientific Visualisation Made Easy
A free, fast and accurate routine to compute the position of the Sun
Open-source cross-platform spectrometer device driver
Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D frames.
Incertitudes de Mesures de la Qualité de l'Air (Gaz et Particules)
Night Vision is a "planetarium" program written in Java
Comprehensive analysis of small RNA sequencing data
Java Disk Benchmark Utility
Collimation Circles, app for easy telescope collimation