GENPPI: standalone software for creating protein interaction networks
Modular System for Shelves and Coasts
A python screenshot script for vintage test & measurement instruments
Application for calculating the real roots of a polynomial
Generic Code-Seeking Diassembler with Fuzzy-Function Analyzer
NARS2000: An Experimental APL Interpreter
console tools, batch scripts, shell scripts, shell tools, utilities
GDSread reads and converts Calma GDS stream files .
Generator of armchair nanotubes with specific bond lengths and angles
A collection of utilities for atom probe tomography analysis
Applications for data management
(X)BNF simple and clever translation grammar compiler
Multiprecision calculator
Generation of molecular formulas by high-resolution MS and MS/MS data
Calculates the voltage across a liquid junction between two solutions
Analyze COVID-19 csv files
SHA-256 Algorithm Implementation in C
converts between IGES file and text file
*nix Sidereal Clock
Print Steam Tables; Plot diagrams and cycles from equations of state