Showing 70 open source projects for "reg52.h"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

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  • 1
    Wood Wars 3D

    Wood Wars 3D

    Open-Source, 3D Printed, Light, Tabletop Strategy War Game

    Check the wiki for rules and more information. Wood Wars 3D is an Open-Source, 3D printed, highly accessable, light, tabletop strategy war game based on classic war games like Little Wars by H. G. Wells. Mix and match race and classes to customize your armies. Dodge and move around terrain to confront your opponent and launch devastating marble roll attacks against approaching opponents. The source code for this project isn't like others on Sourceforge. It isn't code, It's STLs...
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  • 2
    The Acids and Bases chapters' (14 and 15) calculations are arguably the hardest calculations in all of AP Chemistry. With some problems taking as long as ten minutes to solve, the can be hard to wrap the mind around. However, with the Acids and Bases Program, a quick answer is never more than a click away.
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  • 3


    solves nonlinear Kohn-Sham equation for the neutral atom.

    ... LAPACK libraries. The program is implemented in C++, it runs as a single thread. The implemented algorithm is described in the following papers: 1. Z. Romanowski, "Adaptive solver of a Kohn-Sham equation for an atom", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. vol. 17, 045001 (2009) 2. Z. Romanowski, "Application of h-adaptive, high order finite element method to solve radial Schrödinger equation", Molecular Physics, vol. 107, pp. 1339-1348 (2009). Further questions:
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  • 4
    Tochnog Finite Element Analysis
    Explicit/Impicit Finite Element Program with linear/nonlinear, elastic/hyperelastic/hypoelastic/plastic/visco, contact,thermal, fluid capabilities. h/p refinements. Parallel/Distributed solvers available. No shell elements but has 2D beams, trusses.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5

    Circuit simulator SPECI-SPICE

    Circuit simulators like SPICE for low memory computers

    SPECI-SPICE is a subset of SPICE intended to run on low powered computers like Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, CP/M machines, old PC machines, some programmable calculators,etc. by keeping most important functionality of SPICE 2.
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  • 6


    Spatial Interaction in Coral Reef Communities

    The program allows the simulation of spatial dynamics in a benthic coral reef community under various environmental settings. Several coral species, with either massive or branching colony growth morphologies are implemented as individual colonies, which compete for space with each other as well as with macroalgae and algal turf. For more details on the first version of the program see also: Kubicek A, Muhando C, Reuter H (2012) Simulations of Long-Term Community Dynamics in Coral...
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  • 7
    RMG - Reaction Mechanism Generator
    Notice: RMG-Java is no longer in active development. Please find the latest version written in Python at To see the website o the old Java version of RMG, visit RMG (Java version) is an automatic chemical reaction mechanism generator that constructs kinetic models composed of elementary chemical reaction steps using a general understanding of how molecules react (currently limited to C, H, O, and S atoms).
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  • 8
    Digital PID Controller MSP432

    Digital PID Controller MSP432

    Digital PID Controller Using MSP432

    ... a DC motor controlled by an h-bridge and an optical quadrature encoder for feedback. It uses timers, counters, and interrupts to generate PWM to control the speed of the motor, encoder pulse counting, and control loop updates.
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  • 9


    Handy tools to process/analyze next generation sequencing (NGS) data

    ... purposes you can cite the following methods paper: Rosenkranz D, Han CT, Roovers EF, Zischler H, Ketting RF. Piwi proteins and piRNAs in mammalian oocytes and early embryos: From sample to sequence. Genomics Data 2015 5:309-313.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 10


    ChIP-RNA-sequencing-processing (ChIP-RNA-seqPRO)

    ChIP-RNA-seqPRO: A strategy for identifying regions of epigenetic deregulation associated with aberrant transcript splicing and RNA-editing sites. Runnable python scripts packaged together with customized annotation libraries, demo data input and README guide. 9/26 : v1.1 Updated MAIN_IV to debug error thrown by python pandas no longer supporting 'subset'. This code will no longer be actively maintained/updated here. A cloud-based resource for comparative analysis of epigenetic,...
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  • 11
    A toolkit in C++ and python to process both experimental and simulation data of colloidal particles. Includes among others * a multiscale particle tracking algorithm [1] whose C++ implementation is optimised for 3D confocal data. Python implementation is more versatile (2D and 3D data). * a Leica file reader, * Steindhard bond orientational order calculation * a VTK file writer 1. Leocmach, M. & Tanaka, H. A novel particle tracking method with individual particle size measurement...
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  • 12

    Conway's Game of Life

    Conway's Game of life cross-platform implementation.

    Conwlife is a Game of life implementation. Game of life is a popular mathematics game that was invented by John H. Conway in 1970. It's have very simple rules which lead to the creation of beautiful and amazing patterns. Android version
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  • 13


    Open source 3D Matlab Isogeometric Analysis Code

    Isogeometric analysis (IGA) is a fundamental step forward in computational mechanics that offers the possibility of integrating methods for analysis into Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools and vice versa. The benefits of such an approach are evident, since the time taken from design to analysis is greatly reduced leading to large savings in cost and time for industry. The tight coupling of CAD and analysis within IGA requires knowledge from both fields and it is one of the goals of the...
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  • 14


    Manipulator or Industrial Robots MOtion Path 3D simulation and animat

    ... alots of mistakes of code or others application problem, email to me: Please reads OpenSCAD Manual at firstly. There have two parts of model build. First is build Manipulator(Industrial Robotic arm) axle rotate motion model. This have writed in source code, you can changing datas in gmp16.h. Second, terminal path model. The first version only support cube, cubic model, it support 1, translate, means cube path model 's position. 2, rotate, cube can
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  • 15


    Incan Abacus Emulator

    The Yupana was an ancient calculating device of the Incas. This simple program compares different theories: - positional notation * Base 10 by H. Wassen (representation, addition) * Base 10 by C. Radicati di Primeglio (representation, addition, subtraction, multiplication) * Base 10 by W. Burns Glynn (representation, addition, multiplication) * Base 40 by N. De Pasquale (representation) - sign-value notation * Powers of ten by C. Florio...
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  • 16


    Simulating non-homogeneous multiple sequence alignments

    A number of software packages are available to generate DNA MSAs evolved under continuous-time Markov processes on phylogenetic trees. On the other hand, methods of simulating the DNA MSA directly from the transition matrices do not exist. Moreover, existing software restricts to the time-reversible models and it is not optimized to generate nonhomogeneous data (i.e. placing distinct substitution rates at different lineages). GenNon-H is the first package designed to generate multiple...
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  • 17


    Rough internet speed testing tool (CLI)

    This tool was intended to be run under OpenWrt (so it's small and has no dependencies) but it can be also built/run under most other *nixes and Windows. It's very easy to use, run it with -h or --help argument to see a brief howto. I hope someone finds it useful.
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  • 18
    rfMaxima is an RF toolbox for the wxMaxima computer algebra system.
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  • 19


    OpenXfem++ is an XFEM (eXtended Finite Element Method) written in C++.

    OpenXfem++ is an XFEM (eXtended Finite Element Method) written in C++ using object-oriented techniques. It supports propagation of multiple two dimensional cracks. Furthermore, it allows composite materials to be modeled on a structured mesh which is independent of the inclusions. The implementation is described in the following article An extended finite element library S Bordas, PV Nguyen, C Dunant, A Guidoum, H Nguyen‐Dang International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 71...
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  • 20


    Dynamic Multispecies Metabolic Modeling framework

    The Dynamic Multispecies Metabolic Modeling (DyMMM [dĭm]) framework is a mathematical modeling tool that integrates multiple constraint-based metabolic models into a single dynamic community metabolic model. The DyMMM framework was formerly known as the DMMM framework. Please use the following citation for bibliographical purposes: Zhuang, K., Izallalen, M., Mouser, P., Richter, H., Risso, C., Mahadevan, R., & Lovley, D. R. (2011). Genome-scale dynamic modeling of the competition between...
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  • 21

    YEI 3-Space C API

    A C API for interfacing with the YEI 3-Space family of IMUs.

    The YEI 3-Space Sensor Application Programming Interface (API) is a series of functions, classes, and structure definitions designed to make writing applications that utilize the YEI 3-Space family of sensors fast and easy to support. The C/C++ variant of the API is built as a header (.h) and dynamic link library (.dll + .lib). With the C/C++ API, users that require easy integration of the 3-Space family of sensors into programming environments not natively supported may import the dynamic link...
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  • 22
    Math Transformations Library
    A library analog to those included in Matlab without the need of external libraries; just right for embedded or static linking. MTL was used to build a 3d Scanner. MTL consists of pars B - Basic Functions, Matrices, Images, Hypermodels (3d Models and up) N - Numeric Functions ranging from linear regression over nonlinear optimization to singular-value computation I - Image filters and Image enhancement H - Hardware related (optional part), does require additional libraries and is only...
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  • 23


    Compress videos to ufmf format (micro fly movie format)

    any2ufmf reads in videos of various formats and outputs a compressed UFMF (micro-fly movie format) video. I'm not sure what kinds of videos it reads -- whatever OpenCV reads. It has worked on uncompressed AVIs (BI_RGB Raw Bitmap), motion JPEG AVIs, and H.264 Quicktime MOV files. I wrote this program when debugging my video data capture code. It's interface is rather bare, but it may be useful to someone. Requirements: Windows 64 Operating System Microsoft Visual C++ 2010...
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  • 24
    Math Bricks
    Lightweight modelling program in which you can create, try and adjust your control (not only) system. Kernel of this program is MBricks - cross-platform collection of bricks. Created in Math Bricks system can be implemented in one *.h file.
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  • 25
    Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.
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