Simulate chemical processes using advanced thermodynamic models
Homeopathics database, 1200 remedies, 20000 symptoms
Free minimalist software for maps, import DWG, DXF, SHP, KML, GeoJSON
Equation Math Solver
Coordinates Converter
Basic Metric Converter
Default Browser Support for SpecProc
Modifies csv files with a range of user defined filters.
A graphing calculator that's both powerful and easy to use.
Virus Infection Simulation
Computer Lesson and Simulation of Bacterial Chemostat and Chemotaxis
Wyszukaj dane o kilometrażu stacji i punktów eksploatacji linii PKP
Timer application to control the four channel WiFi ESP-01 relay units
Converts text files (such as csv, tsv, txt) to MSP files
Supervisório para recepção de dados seriais da Autoclave
Convert MSP files to MGF files - Only you know why
Where SPM images and molecular models meet
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for hkl simulation of any crystal.
Integrator for hardware and software
Computer Lesson and Simulation of Bacterial Chemotaxis
Tally Cells as you view under microscope ⭐Please leave me a review