A software package for processing and analyzing chemical trajectories
A Python script for estimating the grain size from thin sections
Geostatistics and geosciences modeling software
a Toolset for Molecular Mechanical Force Field Parameterization
Simulering av åtgärder mot buller från järnväg
Linux for Arduino and Makers developers
COmputational fluid dyNamics STRUctured grid CreaTor for 2D airfoils
See the Astronomy Picture of the Day in your desktop!
Dicom PACS solution for free.
Open-Source Cheminformatics and Machine Learning
Cancer Proteomics Database display and management
PhyloTrack, D3.js and JBrowse for phylogeny and positioning of samples
A linux distribution for chemists
MLE survival analysis: Gompertz, Weibull, Logistic and mixed morality.