TCellXTalk Web-App from LP CSIC/UAB
LymPHOS2 Web-App
Piko solar inverter data communicator and manager
tumor epigenetic database
A web database for experimental results of research
An extensible weather sensor recording network, based on Raspberry Pis
Determine the bending moments, shear forces, axial forces and displace
open source python packages for X-ray MicroLaue Diffraction analysis
Stand-alone version of the Genome Complexity Browser
A simple local weather recorder for Raspberry Pi ZeroW
Generating cells for electronic structure calculations from CIF files
Linux for Arduino and Makers developers
SNP calling, annotation and gene/transcripts expression quantification
An easy and flexible mathematical programming environment for Python.
FastVersion is a Qgis plugin for data versioning in a Postgis database
Open source observatory control software
Python driver for the LaCrosse WS-2300
Simulated Airline Travel Solution Provider Library
Nuclear collision secondary particle production cross sections.