Showing 63 open source projects for "use"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1
    OSHMI - Open Substation HMI

    OSHMI - Open Substation HMI

    SCADA HMI for substations, IoT and automation applications

    Now with IEC61850 support! This project combines existing open source projects and tools to create a very capable, mobile and cloud-friendly HMI system that can rival proprietary software. This approach makes it possible to join forces of each project (Chromium, SVG/HTML5, PHP, Lua, SQLite, Inkscape, Lib61850, OpenDNP3, Nginx, Vega, PostgreSQL, Grafana,…) to achieve a great set of open, evergreen, modular and customizable tools for building great HMIs for automation projects. This is not...
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  • 2


    Minimalistic wide-open GPS-locator/tracker

    PuntoGPS is a simple tracking application to show your position to others, e.g. during urban bike rides :) It's made up of a GPS tracking app and a web based map. The app can be run on any GPS equipped device (smartphone, tablet, etc) by the users that want to show their position and/or track their paths. No user account is required, but users can set a short status message to identify (the default is the device name). The web map shows the current position of the active users,...
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  • 3


    A tool for planning and logging your astronomical observations.

    With this tool you can manage your equipment and plan and log your observations. You can create a logbook (as a PDF) from your logged observations.
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  • 4


    svg editor: Easily create documents for math, physics, chemistry...

    Easily create documents for math, physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences... Book, exam and activity preparation program Easily import application vectors such as geogebra, chart, mathlive, ckeditor, desmos, permaclipart into your document, or import vectors from pdf files into your document, save and rearrange your file. if you want You can use the documents you have prepared on your website or convert them to pdf. Matcik advanced online svg editor. Matematik, fizik, kimya...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    PHP FIG Simple Cache PSR
    ... at this level means libraries can drop their own caching implementations and easily rely on the one given to them by the framework, or another dedicated cache library. PSR-6 solves this problem already, but in a rather formal and verbose way for what the most simple use cases need. This simpler approach aims to build a standardized streamlined interface for common cases. It is independent of PSR-6 but has been designed to make compatibility with PSR-6 as straightforward as possible.
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  • 6
    Spatial plugins for Dokuwiki
    A collection of Dokuwiki plugins that will enable the user to spatially enable and use the wiki, currently we have: openlayersmap (a map), geotag (ways of geotagging a page)
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    PubMed ID: 29562348 / DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky175

    * GSA-SNP2 is a successor of GSA-SNP (Nam et al. 2010, NAR web server issue). GSA-SNP2 accepts human GWAS summary data (rs numbers, p-values) or gene-wise p-values and outputs pathway genesets ‘enriched’ with genes associated with the given phenotype. It also provides both local and global protein interaction networks in the associated pathways. * Article: SYoon, HCTNguyen, YJYoo, JKim, BBaik, SKim, JKim, SKim, DNam, "Efficient pathway enrichment and network analysis of GWAS summary data...
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  • 8


    Simple PHP Module Loader Source Code

    This is an easy to use PHP-Module-Loader Script for any purpose. Future Versions may be more complex. This Version of the PHP-Module-Loader is the most simple. Have fun trying and don't forget to give some Feedback on my project pages. In Version 1.1 Final is absolute path given to avoid problems. The $_GET Variable is now escaped. Now you can try out the new namegenerator module with the PHP-Guestbook or with the PHP-Module-Loader You can get PHP-Modul-Loader @ GitHub: https...
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  • 9


    Open Source Web Based LIMS for analytical laboratory

    ... database so you can use it with any other 3rd party control software which allows to export activity to these formats. Additionaly, it provides built-in Wiki, shared calendar and equpiment list. FreeLAB can be customized in various ways to enable features you need in your laboratory. Author provides official support and payed services. You can see more informations on You can try online demo on Login: operator, Pass: operator
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10
    owfs and owhttpd

    owfs and owhttpd

    Project moved to

    Please note that OWFS source code, and all Issue/Tickets/merge requests have now been moved to Developer mailing lists will still be kept at Sourceforge. ---- OWFS -- 1-Wire file system. Use the Dallas 1-Wire and iButton chips with standard filesystem commands. Create temperature loggers. Monitor everything. OWHTTPD -- same system, only used as a light weight web server. OWFS is also ported to embedded routers, Mac OSX and Windows. Basically you can use...
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  • 11


    Flights, vessels, satellites and trackers realtime 2D/3D display

    Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships, satellites or trackers on 2D/3D map. Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the database or see extensive statistics. Can use ADS-B in SBS1 format (dump1090, Radarcape,...), VRS, VA (VATSIM, IVAO whazzup.txt, phpvms,...), ACARS (acarsdec, acarsdeco2), APRS, AIS as datasource.
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    RNA-Seq based gene prediction pipeline for fungal genomes

    ... predictor Augustus with varied input parameters, and selectivity by choosing the models with best homology to known proteins and best agreement to the RNA-Seq data. SnowyOwl has successfully predicted genes in 26 novel fungal genomes. The pipeline can be installed locally for high throughput and control over configuration. It can also be run on a remote server through a convenient web interface for occasional use.
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  • 13


    A generic biodiversity database management system

    An interactive data entry, querying, and editing system based on a generic conceptual schema for taxonomic databases. It combines the automated use of scientific names and synonyms in a species checklist with online access to geographical data and common knowledge data (morphological descriptors, genomics, ecology, vernacular names, economic uses, structured notes and conservation status) about the species. All these data can be cross-indexed to a citation list. The design and standard permits...
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  • 14


    Web-based eLearning system

    For installation see: ...the web based eLearning tool for practical exercises! The system is designed for supporting a special didactic concept for (practical) exercises at universities/ schools/ training centres/ etc. Since 2003 the system is continuously in use at multiple German universities (e.g., More than 800 students worked with the system until 2012! It is getting continuously improved: now we...
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    kvwmap is a complex WebGIS-Client and -Server solution for eGovernment-purposes written in PHP using UMN-Mapserver-technologies, MySQL- and PostgreSQL/PostGIS-databases, SVG, etc. ATTENTION!!! This Project is no longer updated on SourceForge. Please use instead.
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  • 16
    Ymap - Yeast Mapping Analysis Pipeline

    Ymap - Yeast Mapping Analysis Pipeline

    Pipeline for large-scale genome changes analysis of genome datasets.

    The active use repository has migrated over to: The repository here was errantly created with some large binary files included. Attempts to extract the files from the history here have failed. A copy of the history was successfully scrubbed and then hosted at github. -------- Eukaryotic pathogens have complicated and dynamic genomes. To facilitate analysis of copy number variations (CNV), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and loss...
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  • 17
    Lexhoard is a dictionary tool for storing words in different languages with the ability to link entries (or 'translate') from one language to others. This php version is a very simple implementation created over a weekend. It can use either a mysql or a sqlite database (other databases may be used, in theory, as all db access is done with PDO).
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    Scada for Home Automation

    ..., switches, position sensors is provided by Stantor permanently in real time. Through the use of management system MySQL database, Stantor offers automation features customizable tasks. In particular it allows cyclical, calendar and planned tasks, but it can alert when an outbreak event (mail,sms,..).It also has the ability to launch computer program for specific uses.
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  • 19
    Publist - HTML Publication list generator. Automates most of the chores involved in maintaining online academic publication lists and offers many presentation, filtering and sorting options to use in your web page. Can import & export BibTeX.
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    Timeseries databases management system

    KeplerDB is a temporal database to store time/value entries where the type of value could be integer, float/double, boolean and string. KeplerDB is dedicated to be scalable and to create clusters of server allowing the user to analyse and store massing amount of data to monitor systems like computers, clusters, building and captors or financial systems like markets and accounts. The user can use KeplerDB to make data analysis on enormous amount of data (statistics and modelling).
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    The Secret of NIM

    The Secret of NIM

    An easy way to remerber NIM logic

    ... different project, connect modules with wires and edit the parameters of those modules. The other part of the sofware is an utility. It edits the modules which will be used for the projects or create them if they aren't in the database yet. The Secret of NIM is a all-in-one software, easy to use and very helpful for saving the wiring of an experiment. But it can't do the logic itseft, it allows only a visualisation of the logic.
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    a simple lab information management system (LIMS)

    Clover is a simple lab information management system (LIMS) designed for biology labs, especially plant biology labs. It provides an easy way to manage and handle the information of lab material, catalogs (inventories), and orders. USE PHP 5.*! Clover will not work on PHP 7.*! The wiki page contains detailed help documents: For lab instrument scheduling, please use Cloveriver: Please do...
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    Software for medical statistics based on R

    The open source software R enables a large number of statistical analyzes. The software R2web allows to use those R functions that are useful for medical students, with a web interface that facilitates the work of the student (it replaces line commands in R with checkboxes, radio buttons, etc. ). Un logiciel en ligne pour les statistiques pour la médecine, basé sur R. Le logiciel open source R permet de faire un grand nombre d'analyses statistiques. Avec R2web, seules les fonctions R...
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    Laboratory Information Management System with Complete Lab. Automation

    Laboratory Information Management System with Complete Laboratory Automation. This Project is created by Fatih University Computer Engineering Students .. Hasan SARMAN Hamadou Doudoun Niangadou Feugang Kemegni Fabrice it helps to automate complete lab system. its originally created to use on a R&D lab. if you wish you can use it on every kind of labs. it comes with Client Server based Access control Mechanism which cordinate access control with registered projects.
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    G.R.E.A.T. - Google Earth Reporting Engine and Analysis Tool The Goal of this project is to create a basic IDS interface with Google Earth. Currently generates a KML file of traceroute/whois information suitable for use in Google Earth
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