fast C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing
Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics
Class library for computational cybernetics
ASALI is an open-source code for chemical engineers
A shared memory parallel sparse matrix library including Sparse BLAS.
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
Building blocks for the renewable energy industry.
Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB
Diffraction Contrast Tomography analysis code
Analysis Nuclei DAB (AND) Tool
An Efficient Binary data Format
A matlab suite for Psycho-Physiological Modelling
A toolset to automate STOP analysis with Zemax OpticStudio
GUI for fitting 3D single-molecule images using the double-helix PSF
ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy
The DREAM toolbox is a free open source acoustic field simulation tool
Advanced acoustic detection, classification and localization
Infinite-precision integer arithmetic for Octave, written in Octave
Library for working with 3D rotations in Matlab/Octave
GTK+iostream, Data plots, ORB, Neural Networks, WSOLA