This is a port of the myFP2ESP32 Wifi Focus Controller to the ESP8266
ASCOM-INDI ESP32 Wifi focuser
Orange: Interactive data analysis
Automate Clojure projects easily
High accuracy RAG for answering questions from scientific documents
Statistical data visualization in Python
Project structure for doing and sharing data science work
Version 2 of the myFocuser Project
Volumetric image processing software
Arduino Focuser, fully ASCOM complaint
SCADA HMI for substations, IoT and automation applications
a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
Constructing and optimizing general mathematical and physical models
C++ header-only library that simulates GLSL math
TFEL/MFront introduces DSLs based on C++ to handle material knowledge
A general purpose data acquisition system and development platform.
An open source Java geometry library with a focus on 2D/3D space.
Weather Forescast Model with chemistry, aerosols and transport .
External plugins for modnlp/teccli
Optical Design Software for simulating systems of lenses, prisms, etc.
Totally Helpful Extension classes for C++/C#
Dedicated to computer-aided engineering Linux distribution