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  • 1
    Tom Beam

    Tom Beam

    Continuous Beam Design - Solve F&M - Elastic Curve

    Easy to use single span or continuous (multi-span) beam analysis program with user-friendly interface to build beams with library of loads. Capable of solving statically indeterminate forces and moments and beam deflections. Considers in-plane static loading. Load library includes concentrated forces or moments, uniformly distributed loads which can be overlapped for a composite effect. Includes a library to select AISC common structural shapes with automatic property extraction. In...
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    This project provides a Fortran90 library and a python module for singular spectrum analyses such as PCA/EOF or MSSA. It is intended for people interested, for example, in analysing climate or financial variability.
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    Taylor series Integrator for Differential Equations

    Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS. This software is developed by Profs. A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa and M. Rodriguez, (GME, University of Zaragoza, Spain). It consists on a C (Fortran) library, libTIDES, and a Mathematica package, MathTIDES. (MathTIDES requires Mathematica version >= 7.0) . Basic references: * A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa, M. Rodriguez, 2012. Algorithm 924: TIDES, a Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS, ACM TOMS. 39, no. 1, art. 5. (Main...
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