mod_RSsim Fork with Updates
An open source software-defined GNSS receiver
Qt based Veroboard, Perfboard, and PCB layout and routing application
The package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics
The package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics
A small tool for chemists and chemistry amateurs
DNP3 Protocol Source code Library for Linux x86 x64 ARM PowerPC
IEC 104 Source code Library for Linux c c++ posix arm
IEC 101 Embedded Linux ARM, POSIX x86 x86-64 - c, c++ programming
A co-simulation master for Functional Mockup Units (FMI 1.0 and 2.0).
ESP8266 framework for Homie, a lightweight MQTT convention
32/64 bit multi-platform Ethernet S7 PLC communication suite
PPface is vector processor emulator / simulator
Automated detection of the unknown early map projection
Collection of fast and optimized assembly libraries for x86-64 Linux
Free and open source Electronic Health Record
MGSyn - Automatic Synthesis for Industrial Automation
Extract PPG signal from video image of the face
Matlab interface to the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)
Visual studio C and C++ projects to build and use mumps sparse solver
SPA: a short peptide assembler for metagenomic data