Open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
Basic Metric Converter
Simulate chemical processes using advanced thermodynamic models
DIY project to build an ASCOM compliant flip flat panel
COM-wrapper of Cloo to execute OpenCL code from Excel.
The package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics
Control electronic devices using most popular protocols.
Request TLE for given satellites and save it to the file
Rechner für kompexe Zahlen mit verschiedenen Zahlensystemen
Homeopathics database, 1200 remedies, 20000 symptoms
Free minimalist software for maps, import DWG, DXF, SHP, KML, GeoJSON
Equation Math Solver
Coordinates Converter
An Excel workbook suitable for preliminary design and analysis
Default Browser Support for SpecProc
3D/2D Concrete Reinforcement in Bentley MicroStation
scans a given textual string in 146 pen on paper possible combinations
HF/VHF spectrosopy code for the rx888mk2 direct-sampling receiver
Oligo design and bioinformatic analysis software.
Linked Excel workbooks for preliminary study of the title systems
Excel workbooks suitable for preliminary design and analysis
Modifies csv files with a range of user defined filters.