Physics Simulation Made Easy" (Fully Integrated FEA, FEniCS
a parametric 3D CAD modeler
Radiation Spectrum Method : a modal BPM (Beam Propagation Method)
CFDTool - Easy to Use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox
An open source Java geometry library with a focus on 2D/3D space.
A language for making art using mathematics
GUI for MOPAC, DFTB+, GAMESS, Firefly, NWChem, ORCA and PSI4
COmputational fluid dyNamics STRUctured grid CreaTor for 2D airfoils
The Vienna Topography Simulator
Library for 2D/3D geometry in Matlab.
simulations with Lagrangian method,both symbolic and by numeric deriv
Electronic Computational Cancer Systems Biology Simulation Studio
3D Geometry and Parametric Voxel 3D Printing