Showing 574 open source projects for "visual basic programming"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    Homeopathics database, 1200 remedies, 20000 symptoms

    Dr. Hahnemann's Assistant Version 3 is a Windows 10-based, specialized relational database containing a list of over 1200 Homeopathic remedies and over 20000 associated symptoms taken from several Materia Medica, including Dr. Boericke's. It predicts remedies based on the group of symptoms you select, and on your choice of symptom weighting and prescribing algorithms. A file utility allows you to save your symptom lists for future reference, and a click on a remedy in your list will bring...
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  • 2


    HF/VHF spectrosopy code for the rx888mk2 direct-sampling receiver

    rx2fits is an SDR code for the rx888mk2 direct-sampling receiver that streams spectral data with frequency up to 65 MHz to FITS files. This code is for the direct-sampling input of the receiver, which transmits real samples over USB3 at up to 130 MHz sample rate. rx2fits processes these samples to spectral intensities via a Fourier-transform poly-phase filter bank, which provides spectral resolution approaching the spectral bin width with good stop-band and adjacent-channel rejection. ...
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  • 3
    Coordinates Converter

    Coordinates Converter

    Coordinates Converter

    Coordinates Converter is a software that gives you the possibility to convert coordinates in 2D or 3D mode on the fly. Geared toward all types of users, it features approachable options. In 2D mode, it's possible to convert Cartesian to Polar (set the X and Y values) or vice versa, (set the r and theta values). In 3D mode, you can convert between Cartesian to Cylindrical-Spherical (set the X, Y and Z values), Spherical to Cartesian-Cylindrical (set the r, theta and pi values), or...
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  • 4
    OligoYap Portable

    OligoYap Portable

    Oligo design and bioinformatic analysis software.

    OligoYap can be used to design classical PCR, SYBR Green, TaqMan, MGB, Molecular Beacons, Microarray and Real-Time PCR primers/probes and for bioinformatics analysis. It has the features of enzyme cut analysis, mutation analysis, DNA/protein match and BLAST. You can easily record laboratory materials/files, prepare PCR mix and many other laboratory operations. It works on windows8.1 and earlier operating systems, but has not been tried on windows10 and later. For better images, you can...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5

    Ship, Tow-Tether and Moonpool Models

    Linked Excel workbooks for preliminary study of the title systems

    The file “Ship, Tow-Tether and Moonpool” is a collection of linked macro-enabled Excel workbooks suitable for conceptual to preliminary design of the title systems. The file “Block Diagram.pdf” shows linkages and summarizes each workbooks’ major features. FD and TD at the end of a file name denotes frequency domain and time domain solutions, respectively. Except for the moonpool TD model, which is a solution to the nonlinear equations of motion for the moonpool piston mode, TD...
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  • 6

    Simple Cylindrical Pressure Vessels

    Excel workbooks suitable for preliminary design and analysis

    SCPV is a family of three macro enabled Excel workbooks for analysis of long cylindrical pressure vessels with flat endcaps subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. CPVanalysis.xlsm does stress and stability analyses. It plots stresses, deflections and the equilibrium path for imperfect circular cylinders showing the onset of yielding and limit points in relation to elastic and inelastic bifurcation buckling pressures. Two types of initial geometric imperfections, outer diameter...
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  • 7

    Layered-Wall Cylindrical Pressure Vessel

    An Excel workbook suitable for preliminary design and analysis includes: 1. A macro enabled Excel workbook (LWCPV.xlsm) for preliminary design and analysis of long cylindrical, layered-wall pressure vessels (PVs) subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. The following four types of layered-wall construction are addressed: a. Two-layer isotropic. b. Three-layer isotropic sandwich-wall; and c. Three-layer sandwich-wall with orthotropic outer layers and ...
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  • 8
    DNP3 Windows c c++ c# .net Program code

    DNP3 Windows c c++ c# .net Program code

    DNP3 Source code Library for Windows and simulator

    v21.06.008 Complete implementation of DNP3 protocol standard including File transfer. Binary Input, Double-bit Binary Input, Binary Output, Counter Input, Analog Input, Analog output, Octect String, virtual terminal String. support CROB, analog output command with "select-before-operate" or "direct-execute" command execution modes, unsolicited response, Time Synchronization support C C++, C# ( .net ) programming languages Get a free DNP3 Development Bundle In the Development...
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  • 9


    The C++11 library, msvc2015u3/gcc5.4 + cmake,python,bash,vbs modules
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 10
    Flight Logs

    Flight Logs

    Maintain logs of model rocket flights and your rocket fleet inventory

    Update This project has been discontinued due to Microsoft deprecating VBA and VBScript in upcoming Windows updates. Both of these services are needed for Flight Logs to function. Original Description Flight Logs is more than just a database to log your rocket flights. Flight Logs is an in-depth record of your rocket activities. It records your flights plus collects data on events surrounding your flights, and allows you to track how well the rocket performed. The rocket's very...
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  • 11
    Finding DNA Repeats by RFRE

    Finding DNA Repeats by RFRE

    RFRE is a tool to find DNA repeats (tandem and short)

    A tool to FIND DNA REPEATS (tandem and short): RFRE is a mini tool to search for the repeated DNA sequences (SHORT REPEATS OR TANDEM REPEATS) characters by using the regular expression language (VB script). The Metacharcter and their behaviours in the context of regular expressions are the main methods to identify the different searched patterns and by different combination of Metacharcter, the programmed tool can search and detect the pattern of DNA sequence. Repeater Finder...
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  • 12
    VDT - Visual Disk Test
    VDT - Visual Disk Test : performs I/O tests on files, partitions, and/or disks with visual feedback/follow-up, offering flexible test area selection by size, location, percent, or combinations thereof, plus test duration control by time or size.
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  • 13


    A graphing calculator that's both powerful and easy to use.

    Photon is a fully functional graphing calculator capable of numeric calculations as well as graphing functions, including parametric and polar graphs. In addition to regular graphing, Photon can plot integrals, first and second derivatives, tracing, animation, matrix math, and degree / radian mode. Photon can find roots, minimums and maximums, points of inflection, and it can fit several types of best fit lines and curves to data sets. Log and semi-log graphing are also...
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  • 14

    Stress-Strain Curve

    Aids for creating and scaling Stress-Strain Curves

    S-S includes: 1. A macro enabled Excel workbook (S-S Curve Helper.xlsm) for creating a Stress-Strain curve using the Ramberg-Osgood formula and commonly available material properties. Combinations of tensile or compressive and engineering or true forms can be selected. 2. A procedure for Stress-Strain curve scaling. 3. A formula for plastic Poison’s Ratio between the proportional limit and fully plastic condition.
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  • 15
    mXparser - Math Parser Java C# Library

    mXparser - Math Parser Java C# Library

    A flexible mathematical expressions parser for JAVA, Android, C# .NET

    mXparser is highly flexible parser of math expressions. Software provides easy to use API for JAVA, Android, C# .NET/MONO (CLS). Main functionalities: - basic operators, i.e.: +, -, *, ^, ! - Boolean logic operators i.e.: or, and, xor - binary relations i.e.: =, <, > - math functions (large library of 1-arg, 2-arg, 3-arg - - functions) i.e.: sin, cos, Stirling numbers, log, inverse functions - constants (large library), i.e.: pi, e, golden ratio - n-args functions i.e.: greatest...
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  • 16


    Computer Lesson and Simulation of Bacterial Chemostat and Chemotaxis

    CheStatGen2b.exe will install a Lesson and Simulation of Bacterial Motility and Chemotaxis in a Chemostat Simulation. Bacterial Chemotaxis is the motion up or down the direction of an attractant or repelant of each bacteria. The simulation also demonstrates the bacterial mechanism of this utility. The Lesson also gives the Microbiology used in the simulation. It is coded in in MS Visual Studio 2022 Please note: After downloading and running the CheStatGen2b.exe file, also run...
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  • 17


    Virus Infection Simulation

    ViruSim is a model of real world virus infection. That does not mean ViruSim is an exact simulation. But it lets you imagine how certain features if Patient/Virus interactions take place. ViruSim simulates Patients and Viruses in a pool/container 100 by 100 units each side, by 1000 units in depth. There are 1 to 5000 total number of Patients/Viruses, with a chosen percentage of patients, and the remaining percentage of viruses. For example, you could have 1000 to 5000 total Pat/Viruses,...
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  • 18


    Healthcare Diagnostic Keyword Index

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  • 19
    A series of open source files and programs available to use for developing programs to work with the WowWee Robotics RSMedia Robot. These include a USB serial console, a cross-compiler, a firmware dump program, text-to-speech and source code.
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  • 20

    Plastic Bending Modulus

    A macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating plastic bending modulus.

    Bending Modulus.xlsm is a macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating plastic bending modulus. Inputs are tensile yield and ultimate strengths and section factor.
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  • 21

    Planar Elastica

    A collection of technical notes on planar elasticas and sample code

    The collection Planar Elastica (Planar includes: 1. A technical note deriving the governing equations for a planar elastic subjected to general end loading (i.e., combined bending moment, angled direct load and torsional moment). This note is heart of this project. 2. Macro enabled Excel spreadsheet examples that illustrate use of the above result. These examples range in sophistication from large displacement leaf springs to one requiring simultaneous solution of two...
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  • 22

    Cable Spool

    A macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating drum loading by a cable.

    Cable Spool.xlsm was developed to estimate loading on a storage drum due to winding of a steel cable. It was later updated to estimate internal loading in GRP ruggedized single fiber fiber-optic cable spools. Adhesive was applied as the cable was wound on a flanged mandrel. After the adhesive cured, the mandrel was removed leaving a spool composed of cable rings bound together by the adhesive. Both cables were very stiff radially. Hence, only axial and bending of the cable and mandrel...
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  • 23
    The EQ mounts' internal electronics provides pointing accuracy to .144 arcsecs. EQMOD connects the EQ directly to a serial comms. This project has the source files for the Public releases of the EQMOD ASCOM driver, associated programs and an EQMOD compatible hardware design. Please note that later test releases for all EQMOD Project software may be available via the EQMOD Yahoo group.
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  • 24

    SHP Power Viewer

    ERSI Shapefile Viewer

    Shapefile (SHP) viewer with multi-layer and zoom.
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  • 25

    Rail station Inf

    Wyszukaj dane o kilometrażu stacji i punktów eksploatacji linii PKP

    Program pozwala wyszukać dane o punktach eksploatacji i stacjach na polskich liniach PKP PLK. Wyświetla informacje na temat ich kilometrażu i numerów linii. Dane mogą zostać zaimportowane na trzy sposoby (z mapy, współrzędnych i pliku). W zakładce "Mapa" należy kliknąć na interesujące nas miejsce na mapie aby zaimportować dane, dotyczące linii, znajdujących się w obszarze kliknięcia. Można także wprowadzić współrzędne punktu określającego środek wyznaczanego obszaru w układzie WGS84...
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