Powering publishers, brands, and sports teams with 30+ interactive content types. Maximize engagement and revenue with Riddle.
Riddle is an online platform for creating interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, personality tests, prediction games, and leaderboards. Our customers create content on our platform and then embed it on their website.
The goal? Increased engagement, lead generation, segmentation, and content monetization - all 100% GDPR compliant.
Trusted by industries worldwide, Donesafe allows organizations to track, manage, and report on essential EHS functions from one central platform.
HSI Donesafe is a no-code, cloud-based EHS software that simplifies safety, compliance, and risk management, transforming complex processes into user-friendly workflows.
A simple tool to help you create an R interface for your Java project. Simply annotate the constructors and methods you want to make available and JAnnotateR will produce a working package, complete with documentation generated from javadocs.
Convoso is the leading innovator of cloud-based omnichannel contact center software.
For organizations looking to increase their sales and marketing productivity.
Our call center customers report dramatic increases in contact rates of 300% and more, giving them higher conversions and significantly improved ROI. The Convoso system is designed for call centers with 20 or more seats and scales efficiently to over 1000 seats to meet enterprise-level requirements.
This is for the first shoots of the project. Here the Rpackage will grow up. The PASMAE is "um Protocolo para Ajuste e Seleção de Modelos de Abundância de Espécies" in portuguese.
The TreeRank project is a Rpackage implementing a Machine Learning algorithm to build tree-based ranking rules from data with binary labels, based on ROC optimization.
An Rpackage implementation of a consensus clustering methodology. This package allows users to perform re-sampling statistics based clustering using multiple clustering algorithms to assess the robustness of both clusters and members of clusters.
DuffyRNAseq is an Rpackage that implements an analysis pipeline for processing RNA-seq data from Illumina NextGen sequencers, to measure gene transcription and differential expression.
Manage what you buy and how you buy it with Order.co, so you have control over your time and money spent.
Simplify every aspect of buying for your business in Order.co. From sourcing products to scaling purchasing across locations to automating your AP and approvals workstreams, Order.co is the platform of choice for growing businesses.
RmiR is an Rpackage for the analysis of microRNA and gene expression microarrays.
The package is designed to coupling microRNA and gene expression data, using different databases, like TargetScan, mirBase, picTar,TarBase and others...
R2HTML is a package for R, which includes HTML function and methods to output R objects to HTML. Allow for redirection on the fly. A driver for Sweave allows to parse HTML flat files containing R code and to automatically write the corresponding outputs.
depmix is a package for the R statistical computing environment, to fit (multigroup) mixtures of latent Markov models on mixed categorical and continuous
(timeseries) data
R Tools for Biologists (RT4Bio) is a multi-functional package writen in R language developed in the Laboratory of Behavioral and Computational Ecology at State University of Montes Claros - MG - Brazil. Formerly known as RRJ.
The Rpackage to be built aims at implementing what I did in a few scripts for the preparation of the papers I published in CaGEO and TGIS (see below). Basically this is related to the computation of the distribution of k co-occurrences of spatial events (generalising the contiguity distributions - 2 co-occurrences at distance 0) to derive spatial clustering statistics (mainly using the Shannon entropy, then called the k-spatial entropy) and methods linked to this: SOOk, SelSOOk (see caGEO...
A set of R functions (www.r-project.org) for simple hydrological models, based on linear and non-linear storages, MC simulation and multi-objective evaluation. The code provided here is aimed to be transformed into a proper Rpackage at some point.
An Rpackage for visualising global scale data by easy import & display of country level & gridded data. Rworldmap will also provide access to existing datasets from earth to social sciences and facilitate their combination to provide insights for policy
An Rpackage for use with Sweave that allows for the speedy compilation of high quality graphics by using TeX package pgf and the utility eps2pgf. For recent builds please see http://rforge.net/pgfSweave/.