Serial <-> TCP/IP, Serial <-> UDP/IP, TCP/IP <-> UDP/IP
The Free & Popular opendhcp application for Physical & Virtual Machine
a efficient tool that provides instant access to router settings.
iptables mini-script in file-wizard
Image of OpenWrt OS, with snort community featured in.
Find information to forward eMule ports
Connector for misconfigured hosts on LAN.
This is a non-official VM of FRRouting (FRR)
Simple software for port forwarding and routing w/o a hardware router
continuation of the famous proxychains project by netcreature
Windows tool for monitoring and configuring your network adapters
TCP and UDP network buffer
Experiments with anonymous routing
Auto update Google Domain Dynamic DNS (DDNS) services IP address
Remotely Set IP Address, Gateway, Subnet, or DNS Server
Free TCP hole punch 4all
OSPF network discovery script via SNMP.
Python script for pushing the same configuration on multiple devices.
Python script for pushing the same configuration on multiple devices.
OpenWRT service to route specific traffic through Tor
network control and reporting
SoftPerfect Network Scanner Portable is an IPv4/IPv6 network scanner.