Monitor monthly internet Transmit and Receive bandwidth usage - Linux
Multi-platform browser for the distributed web
software for email automation (newsletters, transaction mails, etc.)
Mutation Identification in Model Organism Genomes using Desktop PCs
All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning
Compilable markdown for linear algebra
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest
Google from the terminal
HomeTabs project helps you to organize bookmarks for web browsers
Workshops is an open source, simple, dead-lightweight LMS
Utility to queue files for deferred deletion, days/weeks/months later
Test Automation Management Tool
A web platform for the MC simulation of realistic brain PET data
Keras implementation of a CNN network for age and gender estimation
Atgen A2 is a radically simple Workload Automation & Scheduling tool.
Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News from the terminal
Free and open source full-stack enterprise framework
LuninuxOS is a Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distribution.
BotSlayer Community Edition
Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF), is a framework
ssh rdp vnc telnet sftp bastion/jump web putty xshell terminal
Makes a detailed count of your browser bookmarks by folder
An extensible weather sensor recording network, based on Raspberry Pis