Testeum is a Software Testing & User Test platform
Tired of bugs and poor UX going unnoticed despite thorough internal testing? Testeum is the SaaS crowdtesting platform that connects mobile and web app creators with carefully selected testers based on your criteria.
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Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero
Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.
Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
Create and manage companies, departments, customers, projects and resources.
Keep track of the resources (e.g. hours) put into a project.
For those of you who like their own style: this software uses themes!
ForeSite is a project management tool for online collaboration.
Built as a class project, ForeSite provided a basic project management framework accessible from any standards compliant browser. Tasks, Users, Assignments, Due dates, relationships...all the elements expected in a complete management tool.
This tool provides a possibility to quantify amount of changes between two versions of a software project. It uses comparison of source files at lexical element level and is able to retrieve sources from a version control system.
Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM
Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk.
C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. Only buy what each user needs.
My Team is a colaboration & integration software based on projects and activities. The main goal is to provide a place where people can work together, using customized workflows to control their activities.
A CRM and Sales Data Management Platform for Multi-Line Sales Teams
The CRM, sales reporting, and commission tracking tool uniquely tailored to the needs of manufacturers, sales reps, and distributors.
Repfabric is a customer relationship management (CRM) software designed specifically for multi-line sales teams (i.e. reps, distributors, wholesalers, dealers, and manufacturers). It streamlines and simplifies the sales process by providing deep integration with email, contacts, calendars, and deal tracking. The platform enables users to track commissions from CRM to sale, make updates directly from mobile devices, and document sales calls using voice-to-text features.
central project and resource administration. With cepra you are able to plan and track the work on software projects: See project progress. Control the budget. Track work of project member. Plan resources.
Webager is a web PHP/My SQL based task management solution for buisness people and educational institutions. Users can log in and see which tasks/assignments they need to do as well grades/quality of work for projects and the average average.
FIMS stands for Facilities Information Management System. It is developed for facilities managers, maintenance workers, etc. to track work orders, equipment, inventory, and other assets, resources, and information.
An unobtrusive time-tracking program for self-employed people
Workman is a time-tracking program aimed mainly at self-employed contractors who do their job on a computer or telecommuters. It will keep track of hours worked and be able to generate reports to bill employers.
MercuryCRM is a fork of CiteCRM intended to make Computer Service Contact and Project Management more lightweight, stable, smoother, and more natural, even with very powerful and advanced features.
ToDoBook is a hierarchic task management tool, it allows you to sub-divide your tasks into more manageable pieces. It is written in Java (it is portable), tasklists are stored in XML, and it is compatible with ToDoList from AbstractSpoon Software.
Woops 2 is a web project management tool. It's the continuation of woops (woops.berlios.de). It's based on Java & J2EE Technologies (Jsp , Servlet , Struts , Hibernate , Tomcat).