A program for saving and organizing notes
Hypertext-infused philosophy personal database software
Digital chiming clock - 100+ chimes, 50 alarms/reminders + Ships Bells
copy but NO Paste and make presentations with PDF support.
Alarm Clock, Wecker, MP3 Wecker, MP3 Alarm Clock, C# Wecker
The Investor's Clock shows the time in different time zones.
It is a humble time aplication
simple universal clock
Effortlessly track and optimize your time with Easy Time Manager.
The smartest way to work on your computer
Grab screen areas and note it with a mouse, pen & keyboad quickly.
All in one tool
show mypc tool
Standalone desktop app from the Midbar project
Open Multiple Apps With 1 Icon
Open Multiple Apps With 1 Icon
Open Multiple Apps With 1 Icon
small efficient text editor for Windows and Linux
Mobile first Note Taking integrated with Git
Copyleft novena text and illustrations to meditate
Create a wordcloud for a Git repository
A simple reminder Gui for Linux using wxpython
A note taking program with WebDAV sync