Framework for numerical computations, data analysis and visualisation
Fit X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data
Fast FDTD solver with graphics card support
console to calculate airflow around an airfoil based on RANS approach
Radiation Spectrum Method : a modal BPM (Beam Propagation Method)
Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D frames.
GUI app to view Veritas, MAX IV data
Crystallographic software for displaying voxel maps - electron density
Scientific shell for live experiment
Handling dimensioned values in Ada
The central package repository for NumeRe
svg editor: Easily create documents for math, physics, chemistry...
Read EDF File / view mapping
Simple user interface for gnuplot aimed for reflectometry data
Wind Turbine Rotor Design and Simulation
X-Ray Imaging Software for Multiple Samples
Analysis of Raman spectra and spectroscopy data.
Visualization of wavefunctions calculated by VASP (New release: v0.41)
NMR Product Operator Calculator
python library for shock response spectrum (SRS) analysis.
A web database for experimental results of research