Showing 192 open source projects for "all-in-one"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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  • 1


    A framework for simulating open quantum dynamics

    ...++QEDv2 specifies a small grammar to describe composite quantum systems. Apart from providing a number of elements out of the box, there are tools which facilitate the implementation of new elements. These are being added continuously, as the need arises. The principal concept of the design of C++QEDv2 is that all information available at compile time should be processed as such, with the help of TMP. The framework is very sensitive to performance both in computer resources and coding/design.
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  • 2


    A web database for experimental results of research

    A database with a web interface for storing the experimental results of research, aimed at ease of adding new types of data. Goal is to make adding as simple as one day for an unexperienced in programming scientist to add a new type of data similar to an existing type, by preparing two - three files analogues to the existing ones. An experienced programmer should need only one day to one week for adding a totally new kind of data like arrays with more dimensions that was available before.
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  • 3


    controls high-temperature single-crystal XRD experiments using IPDSII

    .... Crystallogr. 42(1), 140-142, DOI:10.1107/S0021889808035607
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  • 4
    Jam--Nuclear Physics Data Acquisition

    Jam--Nuclear Physics Data Acquisition

    Java-based nuclear physics data acquisition.

    This project now lives at Jam is an easy-to-use self-contained data acquisition and analysis system for VME-based (or CAMAC-based) nuclear physics experiments. Jam has an easy, standard GUI for taking and sorting multi-parameter event-based data into 1-d and 2-d histograms.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    Input physical measures, calculate and show ballistic curve chart.

    ... of move. The app is currently in the middle state of development, and will recive at least one update. The curent target of this project is to achieve modification of chart display, that allows to show all scope of calculated values. In opposite to similar projects, this one is oriented to consider additional physical conditions, that can affect on the sphere-body movement, especially air resistance and throw angle For more info visit:
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  • 6


    Patient dose from medical X-ray and other sources

    ... not contain all data required to run, i.e. does not contain GEANT4 libraries and GEANT4 nuclear data (for saving space). It does contain however the X-Ray spectrum data. Read README.txt me inside Build folder for how to fix it. Source code included. Also, available on GitHub:
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  • 7
    lottie vectors

    lottie vectors

    Create, display and process 2D vectors in a 3D window.

    Lottie Vectors is an application for Matlab that alows you to do some pretty neat things -with vectors. More exactly -displaying them in ways that hopefully will allow you to explore and better understand your vector data. The basic idea is simple, take a vector defined in one of a few different types of data formats and map it on the screen. Add another vector and you start to form a 'route'. Each route or position vector can be accompanied with a 'force' vector. This can be used to show...
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  • 8


    Alpha, Beta, Gamma measurements and Nuclide exposure

    RadiationHelper is a data analysis tool for : 1. gross alpha and beta radiation measurement and detector calibration using experimental data (counts acquired by alpha-beta devices). 2. gamma spectroscopy measurements and detector calibration using experimental data (spectra acquired by acquisition software such as Assayer, Gamma Vision, Maestro) 3. gross alpha,beta, gamma detector efficiencies and gamma peak efficiency can be theoretical computed using Monte-Carlo simulation technique...
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  • 9


    Peak and global efficiency of radiation source-detector equipment

    This software uses Geant4 simulation toolkit for computing detector efficiency in terms of peak efficiency and gross efficiency. It is designed mainly for gamma detectors (NaI or HpGe) but can be extended for beta or any other radiation type. Radiation source can be frontal beam, point source, Sarpagan baker (cylinder) and Marinelli baker. Due to the nature of Monte Carlo simulation technique, all geometries involved must be well known for accurate results! Can be used along...
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10


    Program to fetch datas from YC-7x7 dataloggers from YCT

    We needed a datalogger, we found one. But the supplied VB6 program was very crappy, _really_ unusable, even on old XP machines. So I did mine, able to run under windows and linux. All the fun was to reverse the (binary) RS232 protocol. Our is a YC-727D with 2 thermocouple inputs, but the protocol is the same for 1, 2, 3 or 4 inputs models (YC-717, YC-727, YC-737, YC-747). Bytes orders needs to be checked for 3th and 4nd channels tough.
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  • 11

    AC Engine Calculator

    Calculate some attributes of an AC engine

    Engine Calculator is intended to solve 3 simple calculations: detect the frequency (Hertz), rotations per minute (RPM) and the number of poles of an alternated current motor. One of those may be found with the two others. I actually didn't found any bugs in this version (i.e typing the wrong value of a variable). This is my first app made completely by my own. <pt-br> Engine Calculator destina-se a resolver 3 cálculos simples: detectar a frequência (Hertz), rotações por...
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  • 12
    Acoustic Research Tool (ART)

    Acoustic Research Tool (ART)

    Acoustic Simulation Library for Frequency and Time Domain Simulations.

    ART is a flexible simulation framework for wind instruments. It includes a growing library of modelling elements. So far bore discontinuities, branches, tone holes, cylindrical and conical tubes, Bessel horns and bent tubes are available for frequency domain modelling. In the time domain generic bidirectional propagation elements, scattering elements, fractional delays, convolution with reflection functions and general z-domain networks are available and can be described using MuParserX...
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  • 13


    A MATLAB program for 2D particle tracking or 3D DHM based tracking.

    We present a versatile and fast MATLAB program (UmUTracker) that automatically detects and tracks particles by analyzing long video sequences acquired by either light microscopy or digital holography microscopy (DHM). Our program finds the 2D particle center position using an isosceles triangle transform and the axial position by a fast implementation of Rayleigh-Sommerfeld numerical reconstruction algorithm using a one dimensional radial intensity profile. *Updates v1.1: 2017/11/21- Bug...
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  • 14
    Hamilton Project is a software package concerning science and math in C++
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  • 15
    This package includes a collection of MATLAB files which are designed to: 1. Given a calibration scan of the image of a point emitter with an engineered point spread function (PSF), 2. Perform a phase retrieval algorithm based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of a phase aberration term which is added to the theoretical pupil function of the imaging system. 3. Use the phase-retrieved pupil function to perform single-emitter localization. Accompanying publication available here...
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  • 16

    Advanced Numerical Instruments 3D

    Advanced numerical instruments: adaptive meshing, FE methods, solvers

    Ani3D provides portable libraries for each step in the numerical solution of systems of PDEs with variable tensorial coefficients: (1) unstructured adaptive mesh generation, (2) metric-based mesh adaptation, (3) finite element discretization and interpolation, (4) algebraic solvers.
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  • 17

    MSU's Sparse Fourier Repository

    The Home of DMSFT, AAFFT, GFFT, and MSFFT.

    A collection of sparse Fourier transform codes developed by faculty at MSU. Currently codes for four different prototype sparse FFTs are here: 1.) DMSFT, implemented by Ruochuan Zhang. This is a fast, stable, noise robust, and *fully discrete* improvement on the ideas in GFFT below. It is THE BEST sparse FFT around!!! If you're looking for AAFFT, try this out first. 2.) AAFFT, implemented by Mark Iwen in 2008. This code is easy to use, and documented well, but not implemented very...
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  • 18


    solves nonlinear Kohn-Sham equation for the neutral atom.

    ... LAPACK libraries. The program is implemented in C++, it runs as a single thread. The implemented algorithm is described in the following papers: 1. Z. Romanowski, "Adaptive solver of a Kohn-Sham equation for an atom", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. vol. 17, 045001 (2009) 2. Z. Romanowski, "Application of h-adaptive, high order finite element method to solve radial Schrödinger equation", Molecular Physics, vol. 107, pp. 1339-1348 (2009). Further questions:
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  • 19


    Inverse Compton emission from heliospheres of sun and stars

    Cosmic ray electrons scatter on the photon fields around stars, including the sun, to create gamma rays by the inverse Compton effect. This program computes the spectrum and angular distribution of this emission. The software also includes general-purpose routines for inverse Compton scattering on a given electron spectrum, for example for interstellar or astrophysical source modelling. For further information see these publications:,...
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  • 20


    tiny code, html webcam game or plug brain in each blob, java server

    You play a 2d blob that reshapes to grab bend bounce and swing on objects floating in midair (like a platformer game), except acrobaticly your view spins when your blob does. I'm planning a huge multiplayer world, some blobs played by people holding a bendable loop game controller (tape a 1 meter cut of thick extension cord into a loop) in front of webcam and bend it to bend your blob on screen, and other blobs controlled by AI. This is a game for general AI research in a fun way people can do...
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  • 21


    Program for Normalization, Averaging and Editing of In Situ Data Sets

    2DFLT it is first out of two programs which allows implementation of Phase Sensitive Detection (PSD) and/or Modulated Enhanced Diffraction (MED) techniques on the in situ data. This software allows collecting individual data files from in situ experiment into one dataset. After that this data set can be visualized, edited, normalized and averaged. Resulted data can be saved as one flat file (FLT-format) which can be used for PSD/MED calculations via 2DMED software (
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  • 22
    orbkit (Moved to Github)

    orbkit (Moved to Github)

    A Modular Python Toolbox for Cross-Platform Post-Processing of Quantum

    PLEASE NOTE ORBKIT HAS BEEN MOVED TO orbkit is a parallel Python program package for post-processing wave function data extracted from output files of MOLPRO (Molden File Format), TURBOMOLE (AOMix file format), GAMESS-US, PROAIMS/AIMPAC (wfn/wfx file format), and Gaussian (Output File and Formatted Checkpoint File) output files. Futhermore, an interface to cclib, a parser for quantum chemical logfiles, is provided. If you use orbkit in your work,...
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  • 23
    CPPLapack is a c++ class wrapper for BLAS, LAPACK and PARDISO. Its special features are the followings. [1]User-friendly interface [2]Hi-speed matrix calculations using BLAS and LAPACK [3]Minimized number of copy times using Smart Temporary system
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  • 24


    AFM puller control software

    ... for construction a worthy investment. However, one advantage of using a commercial setup – repeatability and unification, cannot be archived, as every laboratory is developing a specific data acquisition protocol and software. Our Nanopuller software (open ISC license) presented here is intended to eliminate this obstacle. We give access to a program, which with only a minimum effort can be adjusted for vast array of typical equipment.
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  • 25

    Control Interface Victor 86C, Voltcraft

    Control Voltcraft Power Supply and Victor 86C Multimeter

    ANNOUNCEMENT Project has moved to a proprietary website! Updated source code available at This is an interface used to program and control Voltcraft DPPS-32-15 Power Supply, and to log data from Victor 86C Multimeter. It's an all-in-one solution to use the two instruments at the same time for Scientific, Research and Study purposes. Features avaible are the following: -Victor 86C USB HID connection protocol -86C data reading...
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