A set of tools related to assembly language programming.
Manual counter with the keyboard or the mouse on images
Reverse proxy with http header, html and javascript code rewritter
Mirror of the TA-Lib project using a Git repository
Concise spatial query and representation system (c-squares)
City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline
Performs several operations to Fasta protein databases
Integrates proteomic searches from multiple search engines
GUI front-end for OMSSA
GUI front-end to sequest.exe
Cross Platform GUI Toolkit
A websocket based realtime browser application using the Alien Cipher.
A national virtual bridge engineering contest for kids of all ages.
CRC algorithms, test code, libraries and tables
Auto code generation for many languages.
Linux for Arduino and Makers developers
Template-based code generation language.
Accent interfaces and controls systems through goals and policies
A bespoke symmetric cipher.
Computational Suite For Bioinformaticians and Biologists
Project moved to https://github.com/owfs/owfs/