KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
Native iOS and Android Apps with JavaScript
A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library
AppDevKit is an iOS development library
The Apple SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS)
The GNUstep is a library of general-purpose Objective C objects
Official iOS (Objective-C) Tracking Library for Mixpanel Analytics
LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers
Stinger is a high-efficiency library with great compatibility
XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library
Stub your network requests easily!
Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift macOS apps
iOS project comprising a collection of demos for iOS Apps
Generating documents and reports, offline enabled and reliable.
Spotify’s component-driven UI framework for iOS
Play your favorite Windows video games on Mac OS X
Crosos is a SubLinux Distribution