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Build Securely on Azure with Proven Frameworks
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
A C++ matrix class for creating matrix objects and easily performing elementary operations between matrix objects including addition, subtraction, multiplication, transposition, and trace.
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
C++ production ready implementation of Scott Seely's Simple SOAP RPC code. OS neutral, HTTP transport, XML validation, envelope parsing, RPC dispatching, extendable data types, fault generation and a extendable test suite useful for release validation.
Now builds on newer versions of Linux.
Simple and lightweight application framework for amiga compatible systems.
Enables development of object oriented C++ applications running on amiganoid operating systems like AROS, AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4.x and Morphos 2.x.
A framework library which aims to independize we all, the delphi developers, from the different glitches of the platform, and attempts to provide code that is independent from the OS. It is based on *heavy* use of interfaces. Works on FPC (FreePascal).
The Scriptable Core Data (SCD) framework will help adopting developers make their Core Data Document-based applications AppleScriptable. SCD was announced and demo'ed at Chicago Cocoaheads/CAWUG, 2007 Oct 09. AKA: "AppleScript on Rails". Help needed!
X-VR 2 is a C++ framework, currently it features an RDBMS layer, a Network layer, Platform abstraction layer, Math utility classes and Multi-threading. The framework has been designed to be portable across differen Unix flavors.
Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free
From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.
Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
CamelBones is a Cocoa/Perl bridge for Mac OS X. It allows easy access to the Cocoa API for Perl developers. It also allows easy, object-oriented access to an embedded Perl interpreter for Objective-C developers.
HessianKit is a Framework for Objective-C 2.0 to allow applications for Mac OS X 10.5, and iPhone 2.0 or later to communicate with Hessian web services. The main goals; Be compliant and forgiving, seamless Objective-C experience, and avoid glue-code.
Various components for Zope3. Buildout recipe for integrating python eggs into Cocoa Xcode project builds. Proxy module to expose python objects as NSObjects, which additionally facilitates persistence using ZODB.
A Mac OS X framework implemented in Objective-C 2.0 that reads and parses ASCII DXF files. The framework returns an array of custom entity objects that can be used as needed by the program implementing this library.
Just Another "X" Object Oriented Operating System
An embedded operating system aiming to take advantage of modern object oriented and generic programing.
Water: a fast, secure, dynamic OO language and database. Water is an all-purpose language (and meta-language) that runs Web applications in the browser or server-side. Water is compatible with .NET, Java, and C on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X system.
LighTemplate is a Lightweight Templating Class written in PHP 5 to generate whatever text content you want ((x)HTML, XML, Text, ...). No cache (not needed, it is fast enough), no plugins (not needed, they would make it slower).
Automatic generation of documentation on Delphi projects from source code. Distinctive features are exact parsing gathering lots of information and a division of the parser and configurable generators (HTML, Win- & HTML-Help, PDF, LaTeX, XMI export)
AMMORIA (ARAB) is an object oriented programming language uses Arabic words instead of English words, to make learning programming for Arab children easy and fast, it's planned to support Urdo and Farsi too, AMMORIA has its won IDE and Visual stuff.
OpenBASIC is a modernized programming derived from the syntax of QBasic, QuickBasic, and FreeBASIC, yet has most (if not all) of the Object-Oriented features of C++, as well as the portability of that language coupled with Allegro for graphics routines.
A one file PHP 5.2.x web development framework built on the o.php libraries and using the JSON Template engine. The complete system weighs in at 50KB and gives you the tools to make simple sites quickly.
euDock is a Javascript Emulation of Dock style MAC OS X bar. Features: transparency, fading, external events and hooking to HTML objects. euDock 2.0 also support mouseMove events, PNG imagees on IE and programmable javascript objects.
Collection of modularized frameworks, that provide extra encryption, enumeration, and user interface classes on top of Mac OS X's Cocoa frameworks. Designed to be used as piecemeal small embeddable frameworks.