This application automatically checks for new movie uploads on YTS
Provides remote video recording with zoom control
Allows you to download youtube videos into a video/audio format.
Augmented Reality for everyone, out of the world experiences
Lucid chamber simulator
Make interesting, mostly Mandelbrot set based, desktop wallpaper.
Control the Computer sound with your Smartphone!
See geologic outcrops in virtual reality
GIU is mostly a tool to manage the upload of images as well as manage
Machine learning, computer vision, statistics and computing for .NET
Python Script for Mystic BBS Shoutcast Dashboard
A spring that solves your counter animation problems
A lightweight plugin to embed emojis, media, maps, tweets, code, etc.
Splits Avid Pro Tools bounced files based on markers
Watch and download anime on a computer
Represent CSV data as Scatter Series and Line Series Plots
Open source abstract art generator
A loudspeaker phase linearization, EQ and filtering tool
Wrappers for ImageMagick for PHP for true object oriented scripting
Perceptual JPEG encoder
Our Screen Saver for Windows allows You to see Images on any theme,
Tool to remotely activate a camera and capture images up on GET-reques
OCR web based for Browser Firefox & PC
Create a picture collage poster on a PC or Mac in a few minutes.