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Sourcecode for efficiently rendering parametrically defined surfaces
Sourcecode and generated images from my 1987 master's degree project: An Adaptive Subdivision Algorithm for the Display of Parametrically Defined Surfaces
JAVIER is a JAvascript Voicexml InterpretER, designed (but not restricted) to run inside a web browser, its main engine has less than 1000 lines of code. It's maybe, the tiniest but (almost) FULL VoiceXML implementation.
Robocup MSL is the mid sized league of robocup This site has been assembled to assist in sharing Robocup MSL resources for whichever teams wish to do so. Team Leaders please contact an admin to post your code.
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Group file share with advanced text parsing capability for easy search
.../configure/modify/manage this code themselves, or contract the code writer to do these functions for them. Contact me for a reasonable quote. eedrew <at> users <dot> sourceforge <dot> net
To support future revisions and/or contribute based on the value you found from this code, checkout the External Link drop-down in the menu.
Also, if you do not wish to create and maintain your own installation, email for a quote on a turn key solution.
Sourcecode ColorSynth MIDI controlled RGB LED lighting fixtures. Coded in assembly for Microchip PIC16F1827, 16F88 and 16F628A microcontrollers. Released under gplv3
WebPhotos will turn a "bunch of pictures" (GIF, JPEG, PNG) into a HMTL-frameset that can be used as a virtual photo-album. It's a program for PC-Geos written in Geos Objective C (GOC). Supported platforms: GWE2.x, NDO, BBE, GlobalPC, GeoBook,...
..., lyrics, etc.) from various online services such as Amazon,, Discogs and more.
ID3.NET has been moved to GitHub. The code in the SourceForge SVN repository has been frozen and all further commits will happen on the GitHub repository.
a software sourcecode which run in gemei mp4 devices.
the software just only for use to read pdf files.
I am not the original author of this software, and I get the sourcecode
from network, I express my thanks to the original author,
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
Vincent ES 1.x is a 3D rendering library based on the OpenGL (R) ES 1.1 API specification (Common Lite) for embedded devices. ATTENTION: A new fixed pipeline implementation is being work on here:
Set of tools and libs for
managing structured data
in a very flexible way:
Imp./Exp. ASCII, XML, SQL,
PS, Tex/LaTex, RTF
GUI: X-Windows, MS-Windows
Interface to C++, DBs, Perl,
LISP-like interpreter
written in C++ using C-LIB
SoftWire was the precursor to TransGaming's SwiftAsm. SwiftAsm is an optimizing run-time x86 assembler that can be used as a JIT compiler back-end for scripting languages, or for dynamic code generation of efficient processing pipelines.
cdg123 is the code name for the free CD+G project. It aims to create the needed tools for the playback and creation of CD+G content under the free GPL-2 license. First stage is to create a decoding library.
A VNC Viewer working on IBM PC Compatible 8086 and above with a small memory requirement under FreeDOS or DOS compatibles operating systems. It is based on orignal vncviewer code for XWindows.
It's a tools generating some graphics interfaces for applications in Java language. It's to gain a lot of time while building some windows. The Swings classes are very difficult to use! (especially the Layouts)
We describe the windows content in XML!
SmashSuit is an application for PalmOS to control a wearable display embedded in a suit jacket. The project also includes a hardware description and code for the microcontrollers used, including code for interfacing a Siemens mobile phone.