OpenMMLab Model Deployment Framework
Implementation of DALL-E 2, OpenAI's updated text-to-image synthesis
Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. PyTorch
Real-Time Object Detection for Windows and Linux
Batch file to install and run NAM (neural-amp-modeler) easily.
Convert models from GoldSource engine to Source engine with AI
Robust Video Matting in PyTorch, TensorFlow, TensorFlow.js, ONNX
Transformation virtual 3D object using a finger gesture-based system
Basic Utilities for PyTorch Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Neural network 3D visualization framework
multiplatform, small and handy audio/video player with network remote
High performance image processing library in C++
GTK+iostream, Data plots, ORB, Neural Networks, WSOLA
A modified pngnq: convert png images to 256 colours.
Artificial neural network gender detection
A smart bot for basic tasks.
Speedy Composer – Artificial Neural Network Melody Composer.