Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
Utility to convert between various subscription format
An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node
Golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
Integration with Netflix OSS components
OpenMMLab Model Deployment Framework
Download images from Google, Bing, Baidu
Embed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors
Arduino library to play MOD, WAV, FLAC, MIDI, RTTTL, MP3
Actionhero is a realtime multi-transport nodejs API server
Image loading system
Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python
An open-source photo thumbnail service by globo.com
XBian is a small, fast and lightweight media center linux distro
Squeezebox SuperDateTime Weather.com Plugin
Search, Download, Play, Share on Bittorrent and the cloud
3D fractal rendering software
Streams many media formats with minimal configuration
An old-school polyphonic synthesizer
An old-school polyphonic sampler
An old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer
An old-school drum-kit sampler