A public domain cross platform 3D game
Dragging and Dropping Components for Multi-projection Applications
Multimedia asset management and manipulator for Étoilé
Java 2D graphics/utility library
TurboSphere is an easy to learn and powerful JS based game engine.
A world editor for HGE game engine written in python and uses OpenGL.
A cross-platform game framework based on OpenGL and GObject.
3D game engine for C and C++
Pear3DEngine is a modern and modular 3D development framework
Access to Irrlicht Engine SDK from assembler, C, Python, Basic, Pascal
Cross-platform reimplementation of AMOS BASIC (runtime)
Chess game interface
Multi-Language Wrapper Collection for the Irrlicht Engine
Game engine supporting many 3D/2D formats and graphic effects
Misfit Cubed is a mod of Misfit3D that includes an MD5 exporter
AMOS BASIC reimplementation in Java