Award-Winning Open Source Video Editing Software
A GUI tool for extracting hard-coded subtitle (hardsub) from videos
A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K
Image/video AI upscaler app (BSRGAN)
A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
One-click face swap
Video editing with Python
Cross-platform GUI for image upscaler Real-ESRGAN
Automagically synchronize subtitles with video
An advanced player for set-top boxes and tv running Android OS
Machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots
Video player for improving quality of hand-drawn images
Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
This is a background removing tool powered by InSPyReNet
Background Remover lets you Remove Background from images and video
Watch streaming media with friends
Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself
Streamlink is a CLI utility which pipes video streams
AI based photo editing website for changing image background
AI Upscaler for Blender using Real-ESRGAN
OpenMMLab's Next Generation Video Understanding Toolbox and Benchmark
Python implementation of global optimization with gaussian processes
Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. PyTorch
MMEditing is a low-level vision toolbox based on PyTorch
Tweet Video Downloader [Improved.Simplified.Alternative]