Open-source software suite for e-book management
Modern music player and library organizer
A fast image processing library with low memory needs
D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams
Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
Music player and music library manager for Linux, Windows, and macOS
A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
CGRU: Afanasy render farm manager and RULES project tracker.
LCARS User Interface for Windows 10/11- Ver. 3.0 (Updated:3-10-23)
A modern ebook reader and library manager
Fully Customizable Full-Fledged Audio Player Supporting Many Formats
Audio manager in Python Object-Oriented Programming
UICollectionViewLayout subclass adding custom transitions/animations
Cross Platform GUI Toolkit
A stream implementation for Python that provides transparent base64
Download and extract mp3 using youtube-dl. And auto-tag mp3 meta data.
GladivsSC is a simple and lightweight screen capture application.
An audio library manager and media-player.
Identify duplicate songs based on track metadata (ID3, etc)