Turn your Python application into an Android APK
Python Crypto Bot (PyCryptoBot)
Python client for the Telegram's tdlib
Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers
YOLOv5 is the world's most loved vision AI
Adaptable, fast automation for all
Helps with conducting forensics of mobile devices
Innovative user interfaces made easy
Terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible
Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi
Telegram Drive
Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Android reverse engineering & automation framework
Download media files from a telegram conversation/chat/channel
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
Speech recognition module for Python
Python Telegram bot api.
The next generation Javascript WYSIWYG HTML Editor
Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco
Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices
Fast C++ logging library
A tool for converting dictionary files aka glossaries
A cross-platform launcher that simply works
Building a full-fledged code editor for iPad
Privacy browser for Android