771 programs for "ffmpeg-ios" with 1 filter applied:

  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
    Try free now
  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • 1
    PojavLauncher for iOS

    PojavLauncher for iOS

    A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS

    A launcher allowing users to run Minecraft: Java Edition on iOS devices.
    Downloads: 707 This Week
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  • 2
    Zebra iOS

    Zebra iOS

    A Useful Package Manager for iOS

    A modern, fast, and powerful open-source package manager for jailbroken iOS devices. The easiest way to install Zebra is to visit Zebra on your iOS device. This will guide you through the installation process. Zebra requires a jailbroken iOS device. Jailbreaking is the process that gives you access to the tweaks, themes, and other tools you can install through Zebra. You can find out how to jailbreak at cfw.guide. Zebra and jailbreaks are always free. Anyone suggesting you can install Zebra...
    Downloads: 66 This Week
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  • 3
    Brave for iOS

    Brave for iOS

    Brave iOS Browser

    The best online privacy. Search and browse privately, turning your back on the big techies. By default, Brave blocks trackers and annoying ads from the websites you visit. And you also forget that the ads follow you wherever you browse. The advantages of blocking ads, incognito windows, private search and even VPN. All in one download. Quickly import bookmarks, extensions, and even saved passwords. The best of your old browser, but more secure. And it will only take you a minute to change....
    Downloads: 53 This Week
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  • 4
    Firefox for iOS

    Firefox for iOS

    Firefox for iOS

    ... personal private without sacrificing speed. With Firefox, you can have more control to decide what to share online and when, because your life is your business. We designed Firefox with smart browsing features that let you take your privacy, passwords, and bookmarks with you safely wherever you go. With the release of iOS 14, you can now make Firefox your go-to, get-it-done, default browser.
    Downloads: 32 This Week
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    A CMake toolchain file for iOS, macOS, watchOS & tvOS C/C++/Obj-C++

    A CMake toolchain file for iOS (+ Catalyst), watchOS, tvOS and macOS development with full simulator support and toggleable options!
    Downloads: 1 This Week
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  • 6
    Adguard for iOS

    Adguard for iOS

    The most advanced ad blocker for iOS

    The most advanced Safari content blocker and a privacy keeper for iOS. AdGuard for iOS is an app that blocks ads in the Safari browser at an exceptional level and also provides additional Premium features like configurable DNS settings, encrypted DNS support (DOH, DOT, DNSCrypt), and custom ad-blocking subscriptions. To get more information and to download AdGuard for iOS, visit our website. AdGuard for Windows is more than an ad blocker. It is a multipurpose tool that blocks ads, controls...
    Downloads: 10 This Week
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  • 7
    Signal iOS

    Signal iOS

    A private messenger for iOS

    Signal is a free, open source, messaging app for simple private communication with friends. Say "hello" to a different way of chatting: Signal is all about privacy, but with all the features you expect from a chat app. State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (backed by Signal's open source protocol) keeps your chats safe. Neither we can read your messages or listen to your calls, nor anyone else. Privacy is not an optional mode, it is how Signal works. In all your messages, all your calls,...
    Downloads: 6 This Week
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  • 8
    Xamarin.iOS & Xamarin.Mac

    Xamarin.iOS & Xamarin.Mac

    Bridges the worlds of .NET with the native APIs of macOS, iOS, tvOS

    Bridges the worlds of .NET with the native APIs of macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. This module is the main repository for both Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac. These SDKs allow us to create native iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS applications using the same UI controls we would in Objective-C and Xcode, except with the flexibility and elegance of a modern language (C#), the power of the .NET Base Class Library (BCL), and two first-class IDEs—Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio—at our fingertips...
    Downloads: 8 This Week
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  • 9
    ReNative iOS

    ReNative iOS

    Unified Development Platform for iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV

    ReNative allows you to bootstrap, develop and deploy apps for mobile, web, TVs, desktops, consoles, wearables and more via a single development environment. Sometimes you need to extend CLI functionality with custom build scripts. ReNative makes this easy for you. Tired of setting up and managing countless of various projects? you can go as simple as most basic json config file to get yourself up and running. ReNative supports integrations for various services and deployment infrastructures...
    Downloads: 2 This Week
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
    Get a Free Trial
  • 10


    A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices

    This is a script for using self-compiled builds of the OpenSSL-library on the iPhone. You can build apps with Xcode and the official SDK from Apple with this. I also made a small example app for using the libraries with Xcode and the iPhone/iPhone Simulator. This repository contains an iOS 15.0 Xcode Project which uses the OpenSSL Libraries. The examples uses the MD5 or SHA256-algorithm to calculate an md5 or sha256 hash from an UITextfield. iOS 12.0 - iOS 16.2 (x86_64 , arm64, arm64e bitcode...
    Downloads: 2 This Week
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  • 11
    Wikipedia iOS

    Wikipedia iOS

    The official Wikipedia iOS app

    Wikipedia iOS is the official open-source iOS application for browsing Wikipedia. It provides an optimized mobile reading experience with offline support and advanced search capabilities.
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  • 12
    Cordova iOS

    Cordova iOS

    Apache Cordova iOS

    Cordova iOS is an iOS application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the iOS Platform. Cordova-based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Cordova command-line runs on Node.js and is available on NPM. Follow platform-specific guides to install additional platform dependencies. Create a blank Cordova project using the command-line tool. Navigate to the directory where you wish to create your project. After...
    Downloads: 1 This Week
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  • 13
    QMUI iOS

    QMUI iOS

    A solution to improve the efficiency of project UI development

    QMUI iOS is designed to help quickly build an iOS project with basic design restoration effects, while using the rich controls and compatible processing provided by itself, so that developers can focus on business needs without spending energy on the design of the basic code. Whether it is the creation of a new project or the maintenance of an existing project, development efficiency and project quality can be greatly improved. You only need to modify a configuration table to adjust the global...
    Downloads: 1 This Week
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  • 14
    iOS WebKit Debug Proxy

    iOS WebKit Debug Proxy

    A DevTools proxy for iOS devices

    The ios_webkit_debug_proxy (aka iwdp) proxies requests from usbmuxd daemon over a websocket connection, allowing developers to send commands to MobileSafari and UIWebViews on real and simulated iOS devices. iOS WebKit Debug Proxy works on Linux, MacOS & Windows. The iOS Simulator is supported, but it must be started before the proxy. The simulator can be started in XCode, standalone, or via the command line. ios_webkit_debug_proxy can be used with many tools such as Chrome DevTools and Safari...
    Downloads: 1 This Week
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  • 15
    Shadow iOS

    Shadow iOS

    A jailbreak detection bypass for modern iOS jailbreaks

    shadow is an open-source proxy client for iOS, focused on privacy and bypassing censorship. It is designed to work with Shadowsocks and other similar protocols, enabling encrypted proxy connections for secure browsing.
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  • 16
    NativeScript iOS

    NativeScript iOS

    NativeScript for iOS and visionOS using V8

    The nativescript-ios repository contains the runtime and core modules necessary for building and running NativeScript applications on iOS devices, enabling developers to create native iOS apps using JavaScript or TypeScript.
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  • 17
    Sonic iOS

    Sonic iOS

    Bridge of iOS Devices by usbmuxd

    sonic-ios-bridge is based on gidevice as the underlying iOS communication protocol. On this basis, peripheral auxiliary functions are enriched, such as automatic mounting of developer images, wda installation detection, iOS model mapping, direct use of command lines, etc. To create a command-line iOS debugging tool that executes xctest, WebDriverAgentRunner, performance monitoring and other special functions across platforms. So you can use sib to perform cross-terminal iOS automation, iOS...
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  • 18
    Epoxy iOS

    Epoxy iOS

    Epoxy is a suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit apps

    Epoxy is a suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit applications in Swift. Epoxy is inspired and influenced by the wonderful Epoxy framework on Android, as well as other declarative UI frameworks in Swift such as SwiftUI. Epoxy was developed at Airbnb and powers thousands of screens in apps that are shipped to millions of users. It has been developed and refined for years by dozens of contributors. EpoxyCollectionView provides a declarative API for driving the content of a...
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  • 19
    Pow for iOS

    Pow for iOS

    Delightful SwiftUI effects for your app

    SwiftUI transitions that make your app shine. Pow is a collection of SwiftUI transitions that add that little bit of extra delight to your iOS app. Adding a Pow Transition to your SwiftUI app often only takes a single line of code. Pow leverages the powerful SwiftUI Transition API to deliver smooth animations and seamlessly integrates with system frameworks. Pow is made by a team of highly experienced designers and developers. Whether you are starting a new project or adding to an existing app...
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  • 20
    Proton for iOS

    Proton for iOS

    Purely native and extensible rich text editor for iOS and macOS

    Proton is a simple library that allows you to extend the behavior of a text view to add rich content that you always wanted. It provides a simple API that allows you to extend the textView to include complex content like nested textViews or for that matter, any other UIView. In the simplest terms - It's what you always wanted UITextView to be. Be a standalone component with nothing that is specific to anything that is required in complex Text Editor. At its most basic form, it should be able...
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  • 21
    Mastodon iOS

    Mastodon iOS

    iOS app for Mastodon

    Mastodon is the largest decentralized social network on the internet. Instead of a single website, it’s a network of millions of users in independent communities that can all interact with one another, seamlessly. No matter what you’re into, you can meet passionate people posting about it on Mastodon! Join a community and create your profile. Find and follow fascinating folks and read their posts in an ad-free, chronological timeline. Express yourself with custom emoji, images, GIFs, videos,...
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  • 22
    Wire iOS

    Wire iOS

    Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)

    The Wire mobile app has an architectural layer that we call sync engine. It is the client-side layer that processes all the data that is displayed in the mobile app. It handles network communication and authentication with the backend, push notifications, local caching of data, client-side business logic, signaling with the audio-video libraries, encryption and decryption (using encryption libraries from a lower level) and other bits and pieces. The user interface layer of the mobile app is...
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  • 23
    WordPress for iOS

    WordPress for iOS

    WordPress for iOS

    Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere. WordPress mobile apps put the power of publishing in your hands. And of course, they’re open source, just like WordPress. Manage or create your WordPress blog or website right from your iOS device: create and edit posts and pages, upload your favorite photos and videos, view stats and reply to comments. With WordPress for iOS, you have the power to publish in the palm of your hand. Draft a spontaneous haiku from the couch. Snap and post a photo on your...
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  • 24
    Eureka iOS

    Eureka iOS

    Elegant iOS form builder in Swift

    ...! Comprehensive documentation, tens of custom rows and lighting-fast support of new Swift/iOS versions made Eureka the preferred tool of 10 of the top 200 apps in the App Store.
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  • 25
    Hero iOS

    Hero iOS

    Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

    Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions. It provides a declarative layer on top of the UIKit’s cumbersome transition APIs—making custom transitions an easy task for developers. Hero is similar to Keynote’s Magic Move. It checks the heroID property on all source and destination views. Every matched view pair is then automatically transitioned from its old state to its new state. Hero can also construct animations for unmatched views. It is easy to define these animations...
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