Showing 27 open source projects for "unity source code"

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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1
    Simulation of Urban MObility

    Simulation of Urban MObility

    SUMO is a microscopic, multi-modal traffic simulation.

    SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. It allows for intermodal simulation including pedestrians and comes with a large set of tools for scenario creation. The code and the issue tracker can be found at The documentation can be found at
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  • 2
    SWAN is a third-generation wave model, developed at Delft University of Technology, that computes random, short-crested wind-generated waves in coastal regions and inland waters.
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  • 3
    ..., part name contained in the first three comments in the cnc program. Some EdytorNC features : bolt holes calculation; solutions of triangles calculation; speed, feed calculation; conversion inch/mm, mm/inch; code colouring; RS232 data transmission with automatic file saving and possibility to download new CNC program directly from machine (beta function, look in tool tips in serial port configuration dialog). Clipboard to keep texts from system clipboard.
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  • 4
    jEPlus - Parametrics for E+ and TRNSYS

    jEPlus - Parametrics for E+ and TRNSYS

    An EnergyPlus shell for parametric studies and more ...

    ..., a tool to generate commands for the simulation model to run, and to collect results afterwards will be needed. jEPlus has been developed as such a parametric tool for EnergyPlus. To see jEPlus in action, check out this video: The source code of the jEPlus project is now hosted on GitHub:
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  • Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free Icon
    Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free

    From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.

    Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
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  • 5
    SWASH is a general-purpose numerical tool for simulating unsteady, non-hydrostatic, free-surface, rotational flow and transport phenomena in coastal waters as driven by waves, tides, buoyancy and wind forces. It provides a general basis for describing wave transformations from deep water to a beach, port or harbour, complex changes to rapidly varied flows, and density driven flows in coastal seas, estuaries, lakes and rivers.
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  • 6


    TFEL/MFront introduces DSLs based on C++ to handle material knowledge

    The TFEL library is a collaborative effort of the French Atomic Commission and Électricité de France. TFEL mostly includes the MFront code generator. MFront is based on C++ and provides several domain specific languages which were designed to simplify the implementations of new material properties, mechanical behaviours and simple material models. A particular focus was made on mechanical behaviours which are by essence more complex and may have significant impact on the numerical...
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  • 7


    A free, fast and accurate routine to compute the position of the Sun

    SolTrack is a simple, free, fast and accurate C/C++ routine to compute the position of the Sun. The code can be used to track the Sun on low-specs machine, such as a PLC or a microcontroller, and can be used for e.g. (highly) concentrated (photovoltaic) solar power. SolTrack has been developed by Marc van der Sluys, Paul van Kan and Jurgen Reintjes, of the Lectorate of Sustainable Energy at the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem, The Netherlands. The code is based on the astronomical...
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  • 8


    Random phenomena generator

    This is an official mirror of LabRPS. Code and release files are primarily hosted on and mirrored here LabRPS aims to be a tool for the numerical simulation of random phenomena such as stochastic wind velocity, seismic ground motion, sea surface ... etc. It can be in a wide range of uses around engineering, such as random vibration or vibration fatigue in mechanical engineering, buffeting analysis in bridge engineering.... LabRPS is mainly to assist...
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  • 9


    GUI based steel structure calculation and optimization tool.

    ... equations. You can optimize single plate/stiffener field or multiple. PYTHON: PIP install ANYstructure Code:
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10

    Planar Elastica

    A collection of technical notes on planar elasticas and sample code

    The collection Planar Elastica (Planar includes: 1. A technical note deriving the governing equations for a planar elastic subjected to general end loading (i.e., combined bending moment, angled direct load and torsional moment). This note is heart of this project. 2. Macro enabled Excel spreadsheet examples that illustrate use of the above result. These examples range in sophistication from large displacement leaf springs to one requiring simultaneous solution of two...
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  • 11


    Fortran codes for SCNURS method - Side Cut Non-Uniform Residual Stress

    .... The code uses Lapack (, Slatec ( and CMLIB ( libraries. All these libraries are available as packages on FreeBSD.
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  • 12


    Fortran library with the Abaqus user material subroutines UMAT/VUMAT

    This library contains several of user material subroutines for implicit quasi-static (UMAT) and explicit dynamic (VUMAT) versions of the Abaqus solver. The project web site: The Abaqus is a proprietary finite element (FE) code ( Users can write subroutines for use with the Abaqus. Linear elastic, isotropic hardening plasticity, Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN), Rousselier constitutive models...
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  • 13
    A Matlab software routine to perform Principal Component Analysis using Covariance, Correlation or Comedian as the criterion. Though, initially developed for experiments related to fretting wear but can be effectively used to interpret experimental data from any field. The attached files contain source code as well as a sample MATLAB (.mat) data file of 13 variables. It could be replaced to the data file of your choice. The code is open source but you are requested to give credits if used...
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  • 14


    road noise auralization

    This software can perform auralizations of a car pass-by. The auralization algorithm is based on Nord2000 and ISO9313. Correction for winds is not implemented. You can export the sounds to a wave-file and save your project. The installer works for for windows. If you want to run the software on a Mac or Linux, you might have to compile the code.
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  • 15


    Stress intensity factor (SIF) calculation from crack tip displacements

    The code implements Muskhelishvili's complex function approach to calculate 2D stress intensity factors (modes I+II) from crack tip displacement fields. Surface displacements can be used with a plane stress elastic model. The code uses power/Fourier series expansion and a conformal mapping of an ellipse onto a circle.
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  • 16


    Library for Pressure Equipment code

    Java library for code over Pressure Equipment on European Directive or ASME BPVC
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  • 17
    MATSim is a framework for building multi-agent transport simulations. MATSim has moved to GitHub: Source code and newer releases are now hosted at GitHub!
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    Ship Lock Scheduling

    Scheduling lockages at ship locks with several parallel lock chambers

    This Java software includes algorithms of combinatorical optimization for the NP-hard offline ship lock scheduling problem. Solutions and performed computations can be displayed graphically. Besides, there is a framework for generating test instances and running these in parallel, as well as R/JGR code for statistical evaluation. Some tools for estimating the quality of calculated solutions will be further improved. Initially the software was developed within a project of TU Berlin regarding...
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  • 19


    C++/CUDA/OpenMP based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Solver

    DualSPHysics is based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method and can be downloaded from the official website ( The code is developed to study free-surface flow phenomena where Eulerian methods can be difficult to apply, such as waves or impact of dam-breaks on off-shore structures. DualSPHysics is a set of C++, CUDA and Java codes based on the SPHysics FORTRAN project ( that are designed to deal with real-life engineering problems...
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  • 20
    A More Accurate Fourier Transform

    A More Accurate Fourier Transform

    Computes Accurate Fourier Transform via Explicit Integration not FFT

    ... in reasonable times with modern computing power. This project makes the source code (and command line Windows executable) developed in that study openly available for scientific and engineering uses.
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  • 21
    Gas Turbine Developer
    "gtdev" is an open source tool which assists the engineer in developing a new gas turbine (1D Thermo- and Aerodynamics). It is created by the student research group "Hummingbird - TUM Gas Turbines" placed at the LFA, TU Munich:
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  • 22

    Matlab wind turbine model

    Generic Matlab model of a wind turbine drive train.

    This is a project to create a simple, open-source, simulation of a turbine suitable for use in wind or tidal streams in plain Octave/Matlab code. It will be designed to be suitable for integration with, and the testing of, some existing power take-off models. The drive train of the turbine will be modeled, with the scope of the model being the conversion of a given wind velocity to a torque at the input of a power take-off unit.
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  • 23
    PyMbs has moved to Bitbucket: PyMbs is a Python library for modelling holonomic multibody systems. It is able to generate simulation code for Python, Modelica and Matlab.
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    A collection of lecture notes and accompanying code on micromechanics

    The collection MICROMECHANICS ( includes: (1) lecture notes (microbook.pdf) on the analysis of heterogeneous materials and homogenization, and (2) source codes (microcode.tar.bz2) that accompany the computational exercises in Part II of the notes. Instructions on using the codes are given in the README file of each exercise. Further instructions can be found in the file microcode.tar.bz2. The MATLAB codes are used for visualization, evaluating analytical bounds...
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  • 25
    Project moved to Code move to Forum moved to
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