Showing 20 open source projects for "b-processor"

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  • 1


    Numerical Bifurcation Analysis Toolbox in Matlab

    MatCont is a Matlab software project for the numerical continuation and bifurcation study of continuous and discrete parameterized dynamical systems. Leaders of the project are Willy Govaerts (Gent,B) and Yuri A. Kuznetsov (Utrecht,NL) and Hil G.E. Meijer (UT, Enschede, NL). Matcont for ODEs and MatcontM for Maps Publishing a paper using our software? That's great. Please do us a favour and cite: New features of the software MatCont for bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems...
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  • 2


    Free open-source fatigue analysis software

    Fatlab is a fatigue post processor which takes results from FE analyses and combine those with load-time series in order to perform a detailed fatigue assessment of a component. It handles both multiaxiality through the critical plane method and non-linear FE models.
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    ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids

    ... versions. Please, when using this software, cite these articles: (a) F. Piccinini, et al., Cancer multicellular spheroids: Volume assessment from a single 2D projection. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 118(2):95–106, 2015. (b) F. Piccinini, et al., Single-image based methods used for non-invasive volume estimation of cancer spheroids: a practical assessing approach based on entry-level equipment. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 135:51-60, 2016.
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  • 4
    We provided a normal method to fit 2/3D open or closed curves. With fitting results, we can make morphometric analyses of some samples. If you have any questions, please contact Shengmin Zhou(email: or If you want to download this project and use it, please cite the paper: Zhou, S., Li, B. & Nie, H. Parametric fitting and morphometric analysis of 3D open curves based on discrete cosine transform. Zoomorphology (2021).
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

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  • 5
    This is a standalone program for a) the calculation of diffusion coefficients of sorbates inside nanoporous materials at different loadings by using transition rate constants and for b) solving the master equation for a system consisted of a large number of unit cells per each direction. It is based on the following published paper "Kolokathis, P. D., Braun, O. M.. J. Comput. Chem. 2019, 40, 2053– 2066. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25857"
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    ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy

    ... for: (a) segmenting z-stacks of fluorescence images; (b) reconstructing the 3D surface of the aggregates and estimating several features (including the volume). ReViMS is written in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., Massachusetts, USA). It is an open-source tool and the source code is freely available at: Requirements: MATLAB R2017b and Image Processing Toolbox 10.1 or later versions.
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    TrajLab subproject: Molecular dynamics simulations in MATLAB

    ... and teaching! Started early 2010, MolDynSim is still in an early (alpha) stage, and any help in further development is highly appreciated. Developed mainly by B. Schmidt (FUB)
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    TrajLab subproject: Metastability analysis of molecular conformations

    ... and teaching! Started early 2010, MetaStable is still in an early (alpha) stage, and any help in further development is highly appreciated. Developed by B. Schmidt (FUB), F. Haack, S. Röblitz, and M. Weber (ZIB)
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    Infinite-precision integer arithmetic for Octave, written in Octave

    Octave code to perform arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic. It may or may not work in Matlab. The supported operations are: >> s = a = intinf (126) % Creation of intinf-class object from integer or string >> b = intinf ('-792716404922304611755050042308687') >> c = a + b % Addition >> d = a - b % Subtraction >> e = c * d % Multiplication >> f = (e - a^2) / b...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

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  • 10
    Invariant curve calculations in Matlab

    Invariant curve calculations in Matlab

    Calculating stable & unstable curves for 2 dimensional maps in matlab.

    This is an implementation that follows closely the algorithm for calculating stable curves, described by J. P. England, B. Krauskopf, H. M. Osinga in the paper "Computing One-Dimensional Stable Manifolds and Stable Sets of Planar Maps without the Inverse" published in SIAM J. APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 3.2 (2004), 161-190. The package also contains an implementation for calculating the unstable curves which is based on the paper "Growing 1D and Quasi-2D Unstable Manifolds of Maps" by Bernd...
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  • 11
    Matrix factorization is applied to the B-spline basis to construct an orthonormal basis. Data can be approximated by a linear combination of the orthonormal basis functions. Constraints are imposed such that the fitted function is linear at the boundary points, as in natural cubic spline.
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    Open source 3D Matlab Isogeometric Analysis Code

    Isogeometric analysis (IGA) is a fundamental step forward in computational mechanics that offers the possibility of integrating methods for analysis into Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools and vice versa. The benefits of such an approach are evident, since the time taken from design to analysis is greatly reduced leading to large savings in cost and time for industry. The tight coupling of CAD and analysis within IGA requires knowledge from both fields and it is one of the goals of the...
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    OARS Android IMU & GPS Data Logger

    OARS Android IMU & GPS Data Logger

    OARS - Orientational Awareness Reaction Systems

    The OARS app is a data logger developed to run on Android OS and devices containing an internal GPS ,along with micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) chipset. Specifically the Invensence MPU-6000 or newer. This chip is a highly accurate inertial measurement unit, or (IMU). Contained within this small IMU is a 3-axis Accelerometer, 3-axis Gyro, and 3-axis Magnetometer. Along with a built in processor, it can calculate movements along 9-axis. Depending on platform and app setting, OARS can...
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    Tool for Analysis of Surface Cracks (TASC)

    ... cross-section dimensions (W and B), and linear plus power law material properties of elastic modulus, yield strength, and strain hardening coefficient. With the geometry and material parameters entered, TASC interpolates to the appropriate J(φ) vs. crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) and far-field tension stress, σ, vs. CMOD solution, providing the full solution as CMOD ranges from zero out to the CMOD limit of the solution space for the given input parameters.
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    LS-PIV Supplemental Material

    Line-scanning particle image velocimetry for analyzing blood flow data

    ... for Quantifying a Wide Range of Blood Flow Speeds in Live Animals" by Tyson N. Kim, Patrick W. Goodwill, Yeni Chen, Steven M. Conolly, Chris B. Schaffer, Dorian Liepmann, Rong A. Wang.
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    CIVx is a free advanced PIV (Particle Imaging Velocimetry) code, developped in Fortran and C++. Input : pair of png images. Output : velocity field in NetCDF format. It is used by the UVMAT Matlab code develloped at LEGI.
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    Source code for the paper J. Keiner and B. Waterhouse. Fast Principal Components Analysis method for finance problems with unequal time steps. In P. L'Ecuyer and A. B. Owen, editors, Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2008, Springer Verlag, 2010
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    A framework for solving large systems of linear equations (Ax=b) in a distributed network using different iterative methods. The solver is written on Java, can be run on Windows or Linux. The solver is compatible with either MPICH2 or mpj-express.
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    This is a hybrid Matlab-Mathematica package for the numerical/pointwise and symbolic/explicit (as a piecewise polynomial) calculation of the B-Spline supported on a given 2D domain.
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    Tycho is a MATLAB package for mission analysis and ADCS applications

    Tycho is a MATLAB package for mission analysis and ADCS applications. It is composed of four sub-packages: a) an orbits toolbox which implements basic Keplerian and generalized orbit functions (physical state to Keplerian parameters and generalized parameters, time to true anomaly, etc.). It also implements tools to design impulsive maneuvers to change any of the five applicable Keplerian parameters. A dedicated function exports orbits as .xyzv Celestia files. b) a perturbations toolbox...
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