Showing 51 open source projects for "3d game open source"

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    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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  • 1


    TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox

    TIGRE is an open-source toolbox for fast and accurate 3D tomographic reconstruction for any geometry. Its focus is on iterative algorithms for improved image quality that have all been optimized to run on GPUs (including multi-GPUs) for improved speed. It combines the higher-level abstraction of MATLAB or Python with the performance of CUDA at a lower level in order to make it both fast and easy to use. TIGRE is free to download and distribute: use it, modify it, add to it, and share it. Our...
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  • 2


    Image Processing library for Matlab

    matImage is an open-source MATLAB library for image processing and analysis. It provides a variety of tools for image enhancement, segmentation, and feature extraction. It’s especially useful for users working on biomedical images or those needing detailed image analysis in MATLAB.
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  • 3
    Artifact GeoMorph Toolbox 3D 3.1

    Artifact GeoMorph Toolbox 3D 3.1

    A toolbox for 3DGM shape analysis of archaeological artifacts

    The Artifact Geomorph Toolbox 3D software is designed to provide the archaeologist interested in artifact shape variability with a toolbox to allow the acquisition, analysis and results exploration of homologous 3D landmark-based geometric morphometric data. As such, the toolbox contains an automated item and semi-landmarks positioning procedure and the fundamental statistical analyses and procedures to allow the processing and analysis of the data. It is designed to be easy to use...
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  • 4
    Iso2Mesh - A 3D Mesh Generation Toolbox

    Iso2Mesh - A 3D Mesh Generation Toolbox

    A 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave

    A simple yet powerful mesh generator based on MATLAB/GNU Octave language, creating finite-element mesh from surfaces or arbitrary 3D volumetric images (such as MRI/CT scans) with fully automatic workflows.
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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    AnaSP, a MATLAB software suite to ANAlyse SPheroids' features

    Today, more and more biological laboratories use 3D cell cultures and tissues growth in vitro as model of in vivo tumours and metastasis. However, a lack of methods for quantitative analysis, limits the usage of spheroids as model for routine experiments. AnaSP is a suite tool for automatic analysis of morphological parameters of spheroids starting by brightfield images manually acquired with a standard widefield microscope. AnaSP is distributed as an open source software tool, and its...
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  • 6


    Artifact3-D: 3D Analysis and Documentation of Archaeological Artifacts

    ... and documentation of archaeological artifacts. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0268401. To install, download "Artifact3-D" available in the Files tab, or click Download (green button) in the Summary tab. Please see the README file for installation instructions. The open source MATLAB code is available at the following link (
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    intracranial electrodes localization toolbox

    iElectrodes is a free and open-source Matlab® toolbox to obtain intracranial electrode coordinates from MRI and CT images. Precise and reliable localization can be achieved fast and in a semiautomatic way with minimal user intervention. The toolbox works with ECoG (subdural grids and strips) and SEEG (depth) electrodes. The new GridFit algorithm can precisely localize high-density electrodes (up to 3mm). Brain parcellations (atlas) and surfaces can be imported to aid 2D and 3D visualization...
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  • 8


    slab3d is a real-time virtual acoustic environment.

    slab3d is a real-time virtual acoustic environment rendering system. It includes two rendering applications, libraries for spatial auditory display and audio signal processing development, and a set of tools for HRTF analysis and visualization.
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  • 9


    Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D frames.

    FRAME3DD is a program for the static and dynamic structural analysis of two- and three-dimensional frames and trusses with elastic and geometric stiffness.
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids

    Reconstruction and Visualization from a Single Projection (ReViSP) tool: a 3D volume rendering method we developed to reconstruct the 3D shape of multicellular spheroids, besides estimating the volume by counting the voxels (3D pixels) fully included in the 3D surface. ReViSP is written in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., Massachusetts, USA) and the source code is freely provided. Requirements for running ReViSP from the source code: MATLAB 2020a and Image Processing Toolbox 11.1 or later...
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  • 11
    We provided a normal method to fit 2/3D open or closed curves. With fitting results, we can make morphometric analyses of some samples. If you have any questions, please contact Shengmin Zhou(email: or If you want to download this project and use it, please cite the paper: Zhou, S., Li, B. & Nie, H. Parametric fitting and morphometric analysis of 3D open curves based on discrete cosine transform. Zoomorphology (2021).
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  • 12


    GUI for fitting 3D single-molecule images using the double-helix PSF

    This package of MATLAB routines with accompanying GUI allows scientific users to measure the 3D location of single molecules when using the double-helix point spread function (DH-PSF) widefield microscope. Version 2 also includes code that facilitates combining localization data from two spectral channels using a locally-weighted quadratic 3D registration function Features - Double-Gaussian estimator is calibrated via an axial scan of bright immobile fluorescent emitters (e.g. beads) - DH...
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  • 13


    Cortical Thickness of brain by Zones

    CorThiZon is a Matlab toolbox. MRI 3D T1 images are treated to estimate cortical thickness by zones in native and normalized space. It uses a Laplace-based technique following brain segmentation. Results can be easily reported in Excel files for further statistical analysis. If you use this toolbox, please reference: ‘Early diagnostic of Alzheimer’s disease using cortical thickness: impact of cognitive reserve', Querbes O, Aubry F, Pariente J, Lotterie JA, Démonet JF, Duret V, Puel M...
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  • 14


    ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy

    Reconstruction and Visualization from Multiple Sections (ReViMS), an open-source, user-friendly software for automatically estimating volume and several other features of 3D multicellular aggregates (i.e., cancer spheroid, zebrafish, fruit fly). ReViMS requires a z-stack of 2D binary masks, obtained by segmenting a sequence of fluorescent images acquired by scanning the aggregate along the z axis, using a confocal or a light-sheet fluorescent microscope. It provides a number of tools...
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  • 15
    lottie vectors

    lottie vectors

    Create, display and process 2D vectors in a 3D window.

    ... something acting on a position with direction and magnitude. Finally you can give each position a tag to display on screen. This could be a common math symbol or greek letter, start/end signposts, or a number of the position either from the begining or after a reset. After all the information has been loaded for your dataset. Either passed over the command line, or as a text file. Lottie Vectors displays inside a figure that you can resize, rotate and turn 2D positions into a 3D picture.
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  • 16
    Matlab/Octave Rotations Library

    Matlab/Octave Rotations Library

    Library for working with 3D rotations in Matlab/Octave

    The Matlab/Octave rotations library is a collection of functions, bundled as m-scripts, that address computations and numerical handling of rotations in 3D Euclidean space. The rotation representations that are supported are rotation matrices (Rotmat), Quaternions (Quat), intrinsic ZYX Euler angles (Euler), fused angles (Fused) and tilt angles (Tilt). Operations such as composition, inversion, ZYX yaw extraction, fused yaw extraction, random generation, equality detection, vector rotation...
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  • 17


    A MATLAB program for 2D particle tracking or 3D DHM based tracking.

    ... fix & Blob detection functions. Please visit our homepage for more information: *Please cite our work using the following information: Zhang, H., T. Stangner, K. Wiklund, A. Rodriguez, and M. Andersson. 2017. UmUTracker: A versatile MATLAB program for automated particle tracking of 2D light microscopy or 3D digital holography data. Comput. Phys. Commun. 219: 390–399.
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  • 18


    Converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures

    matlab2tikz is a MATLAB(R) script to convert native MATLAB(R) figures to TikZ/Pgfplots figures that integrate seamlessly in LaTeX documents. matlab2tikz supports the conversion of most MATLAB figures, including 2D and 3D plots. For plots constructed with third-party packages, your mileage may vary. Sometimes, MATLAB makes it hard to create matching LaTeX plots by keeping invisible objects around or stretching the plots too far beyond the bounding box.
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    An open source controller for Scalextric community

    Open source controller for Scalextric community. Scalextric Controller is composed by a custom hand controller, used to drive the Scalextric slots cars, and Android application used to communicate with the hand controller via Bluethoot low power (BLE). This project repository contains the PCB project, the micro embedded software, the Android App and the 3D CAD design of the cricital mechanical parts.
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    A Numerical MRI Simulation Platform

    The MRiLab project is moving to GitHub, the latest version can be obtained from The MRiLab is a numerical MRI simulation package. It has been developed and optimized to simulate MR signal formation, k-space acquisition and MR image reconstruction. MRiLab provides several dedicated toolboxes to analyze RF pulse, design MR sequence, configure multiple transmitting and receiving coils, investigate magnetic field related properties and evaluate real-time...
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    A software tool for tracking fluorescent cells in 3D

    F-Tracker3D is acronym of "fluorescent cell tracker in three-dimensions". It is a software tool designed to track fluorescent cells using time-lapse z-stacks of images acquired with a confocal or light-sheet microscope. First, each single cell is tracked in 2D by using the maximum intensity projections of the z-stacks and CellTracker, the free open source software available at: Then, the 3D track of each cell is obtained analysing the z-stacks and looking for the z...
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  • 22
    Orbit Wizard

    Orbit Wizard

    Educational open source tool for the design of geocentric orbits

    Orbit Wizard is an educational open source tool developed in Matlab GUIDE for the design and visualization of geocentric orbits. The current version is in an early phase of development. Please employ the Orbit Wizard forum to report bugs and suggestions. The developers of Orbit Wizard are Álvaro Romero Calvo and Fernando Soler Lanagrán. Orbit Wizard is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.0 External references...
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    Forward and inverse modelling in optical tomography

    Toast++ is a C++ software package for modelling light transport in scattering media using the finite element method. It allows 3D reconstruction of absorption and scattering distributions inside an object from boundary measurements of light transmission, using steady state, time domain or frequency domain information. Matlab and Python bindings exist for ease of use and fast prototyping.
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    Matlab interface to the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)

    MatODE is a simple Matlab toolbox for interfacing to the Open Dynamics Engine rigid body physics simulator (ODE, by Russell Smith), created by the Delft Biorobotics Lab (Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands). The system to be simulated is defined in an XML file, while the joint positions and motor signals can be sensed and actuated from a Matlab script. Examples are provided. Starting at version 0.30, MatODE is only available for Windows and Linux 64-bit. For older 32...
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  • 25
    Qi - Quantitative Imaging (PIV and more)

    Qi - Quantitative Imaging (PIV and more)

    A collection of MATLAB tools for PIV, PTV, particle sizing, and more.

    Qi is a collection of MATLAB tools for the quantitative analysis of flow field images. Our Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tool, prana, implements a Robust Phase Correlation kernel for PIV analysis, and now includes Particle Tracking Velocimetry and sizing tools. Tools for pressure calculation, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and 3d imaging are under development.
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