GNU octave bindings to the cfitsio library
Dynamics of quantum systems, controlled by external fields
Extracts gait parameters from 120 fps video of mouse walking
Constructing and optimizing general mathematical and physical models
Rapid Alignment Free Tool for Sequences Similarity Search to Groups
Matlab-based analysis of Atom Probe Data
Queueing Theory Algorithms
GNU Octave MQTT toolkit
A MATLAB(R) Mex-DLL to SQLite Databases
Deep learning networks for spheroid segmentation
Advanced mission simulation and analysis tool
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
A gradient-based augmented Lagrangian framework for embedded NMPC
Simulates basic reflectometer scans with X ray tracing.
Building blocks for the renewable energy industry.
Calculate ASTM E1921 master curve and transition temperature.
Set of functions to process acoustic Doppler current profiler data
psychophysical experiment control, data collection and visualization
Matlab/Scilab-FEMM based GUI to Assist the Design of Permanent Magnet
distributions and co-distribution 2D signal analysis