SRAM Memory Aging Simulator for Image/Video Processing Systems
Demo of Simulink to C++ C or HDL FGA for HFT potential
Face Recognition System Matlab source code
Open source 3D Matlab Isogeometric Analysis Code
pp->gamma cross sections parametrization
Locally Weighted Projection Regression (LWPR)
Aircraft aerodynamic database
Regression Analysis under Differential Privacy
Real time signature verification using MATLAB and C#
A tool for Navigating in Chemical Space
Matlab Mupad algo demos to C and C++
Compile matlab mex files with gcc on Windows Platforms
Plasmodium Typing Utility Software
MIT's spacecraft simulator for control algorithm development
collection of illustrative programs:small games, simulators: C, Matlab
(audio, video, image) Multimedia Multimodal Information Retrieval
Open Source White Matter Hyperintensities Segmentation Toolbox
MML and AT files for LNLS UVX and Sirius Rings - Moved to GitHub