Showing 47 open source projects for "pyxis-os"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1
    GIT quick statistics

    GIT quick statistics

    An efficient way to access various statistics in git repository

    git-quick-stats is a simple and efficient way to access various statistics in a git repository. Any git repository may contain tons of information about commits, contributors, and files. Extracting this information is not always trivial, mostly because there are a gadzillion options to a gadzillion git commands. For those who prefer to utilize command-line options, git-quick-stats also has a non-interactive mode supporting both short and long options. You can change to the legacy color...
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  • 2
    PyTorch Geometric

    PyTorch Geometric

    Geometric deep learning extension library for PyTorch

    ... of functionality of PyTorch Geometric to other packages, which needs to be additionally installed. These packages come with their own CPU and GPU kernel implementations based on C++/CUDA extensions. We do not recommend installation as root user on your system python. Please setup an Anaconda/Miniconda environment or create a Docker image. We provide pip wheels for all major OS/PyTorch/CUDA combinations.
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  • 3


    Agena is an interpreted procedural programming language.

    Agena is an easy-to-learn procedural programming language suited to be used in scientific, mathematical, scripting, networking, and many other applications. Binaries are available for Solaris, Windows, Linux, OS/2, Mac OS X, Raspberry Pi and DOS.
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  • 4
    CRC RevEng

    CRC RevEng

    Arbitrary-precision CRC calculator and algorithm finder

    CRC RevEng is a portable, arbitrary-precision CRC calculator and algorithm finder. It calculates CRCs using any of the 113 preset algorithms, or a user-specified algorithm to any width. It calculates reversed CRCs to give the bit pattern that produces a desired forward CRC. CRC RevEng also reverse-engineers any CRC algorithm from sufficient correctly formatted message-CRC pairs and optional known parameters. It comprises powerful input interpretation options. Compliant with Ross Williams'...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Mobile Open-Source Software and Tools

    Mobile Open-Source Software and Tools

    Android, UIQ 3.0, Series 60 Edition 5 open-source software

    Android, Symbian UIQ 3.0 and Symbian Series 60 Edition 5 open-source software, tools, libraries and themes. Most notable the FX-602P / FX-603P Simulator and the HP-45 Emulator are hosted here.
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  • 6


    Structure parameter inference approach for endocrine feedback control

    SPINA is software for determining constant structure parameters of endocrine feedback control systems from hormone levels obtained in vivo. The first version of this cybernetic approach allows for evaluating the functional status of the thyroid gland, i.e. thyroid's secretory capacity (GT or SPINA-GT) and sum activity of peripheral deiodinases (GD or SPINA-GD). A second version has been developed for insulin-glucose homeostasis. It delivers the secretory capacity of pancreatic beta...
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  • 7
    Intelligent formulas: Numeric and symbolic calculations in LibreOffice and Openoffice Writer. The iMath extension to Libreoffice and OpenOffice enables numeric and symbolic calculations inside a Writer document. If your OS can install .deb packages, have a look at my PPA
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  • 8
    The LaTeX Equation Compiler is a preprocessor for LaTeX files that enables numeric and symbolic calculations. It reads equations specified by special keywords in the LaTeX file, manipulates them and calculates numeric values of variables. If your OS can install .deb packages, have a look at my PPA
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  • 9


    A Gem Stone weight estimator/calculator for mounted gemstones in items

    Version v4.0.2 03/08/2022 A Gem Stone weight estimator/calculator for mounted gemstones in items of jewellery. Automatically selects from over 180 gemstones and most popular cuts for diamonds and coloured stones.
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    Interactive scientific graphing and data analysis software.

    Alpha Plot can generate different types of 2D and 3D plots (such as line, scatter, bar, pie, and surface plots) from data that is either imported from ASCII files, entered by hand, or calculated using formulas. The data is held in spreadsheets which are referred to as tables with column-based data (typically X and Y values for 2D plots) or matrices (for 3D plots). The spreadsheets as well as graphs and note windows are gathered in a project and can be organized using folders. The built-in...
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  • 11


    This is a Java APP for Probability and Statistics Tables

    If you have Windows or a MAC , you can setup and run Statistics Tables with very little effort. You can use jdistabs in place of paper Probability Tables to get electronic probabilities. You can also download the Java code used to create this APP. There are 2 zips. One is for a working windows APP, and the other with complete code and file structure. I used Eclipse to develop the APP. Click the link you want to download to get the Statistics Tables Windows.exe or OS X zipped files...
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  • 12


    MatrixC++ is a lightweight matrix library developed in C++

    MatrixC++ is a lightweight matrix library developed in C++. MatrixC++ is designed to help solve engineering and math problems requiring vectors and matrices. MatrixC++ is OS independent and is as portable as we can make it. MatrixC++ supports overloaded operators, links with Lapack, and includes functions to facilitate porting from Octave type matrix scripting languages to C++.
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  • 13


    A C++ Matrix Library

    eMatrix is a lightweight matrix library developed in C++. EMatrix is designed to help solve engineering problems requiring linear algebra. eMatrix is OS independent and is fairly portable. New features include inv(A) and det(A).
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  • 14
    TSP Solver and Generator

    TSP Solver and Generator

    Generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem tasks

    TSPSG is intended to generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) tasks. It uses Branch and Bound method for solving. An input is a number of cities and a matrix of city-to-city travel prices. The matrix can be populated with random values in a given range (useful for generating tasks). The result is an optimal route, its price, step-by-step matrices of solving and solving graph. The task can be saved in internal binary format and opened later. The result can be printed or saved as...
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  • 15


    Cross platform GUI for Maxima

    wxMaxima is a cross-platform graphical front-end for the computer algebra system Maxima based on wxWidgets. It provides nice display of mathematical output and easy access to Maxima functions through menus and dialogs. This project has moved to github and can be reached at
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  • 16
    Freemat is an interpreted, matrix-oriented development environment for engineering and scientific applications, similar to the commercial package MATLAB. Freemat provides visualization, image manipulation, and plotting as well as parallel programming.
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  • 17


    Stata command for evaluating seasonality

    tcsi is a Stata command for evaluating seasonality according to the transportation cost approach by G. L. Lo Magno, M. Ferrante and S. De Cantis.
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  • 18


    Calculates the transportation cost seasonality indexes

    Calculates the transportation cost seasonality indexes on the basis of the measurement approach by G. L. Lo Magno, M. Ferrante and S. De Cantis.
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  • 19


    My Project is a calculator i created for a school project.

    ..., Mac OS X, and Linux.
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  • 20
    Tinger Calc

    Tinger Calc

    Tinger Calc is a powerful scientific calculator environment.

    Tinger Calc is a powerful scientific calculator environment. It supports elementary math ( +, -, *, /, ^), trigonometric functions (sin, sinh, asin, cos, cosh, acos, tan, tanh, atan), exponential functions (exp, ln, lg, sqrt), math constants (pi, e), system functions (exit, quit, print). The software support email:
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  • 21


    Runge is an Interactive Solver for Systems of Differential Equations

    ... derivatives (Jacobian matrix, for example) it does that analytically, i.e. without using numerical methods. It's portable. It works on Windows and Linux 32 and 64 bit and Mac OS X 64 bit. It's open. It allows you to implement and embed your own algorithms (aka "solvers"). It's easy to use. It allows to export results to MS Excel and MATLAB. It's multilingual. It currently supports Englis and Russian languages. It's free. It's distributed under the Boost Software License.
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  • 22


    Real-time interactive fractal zoomer

    Real-time interactive fractal zoomer. Home Page: GitHub: - Downloads: - Source - Issues: - Wiki: Discussion Groups: - Users: - Developers:!forum/xaos-devel
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  • 23


    MLE survival analysis: Gompertz, Weibull, Logistic and mixed morality.

    DeDAY (Demography Data Analyses) is a tool of analyzing demography data. It supports Gompertz, Weibull and Logistic distributions. DeDay also supports mixed mortality models based on these distribution such as the Gompertz-Makeham distribution. Distributions such as Gompertz describes only age-dependent mortality, which increases over time. Mixed mortality models, such as in Gompertz-Makeham distribution, consider a more general case where mortality is consist of both age-dependent and...
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  • 24


    python calculus library with imprecise and precise representations

    QtoNum is a calculator for qualitative values (-, +), intervals and crisp numbers with arbitrary precision. QtoNum also handles infinitesimals and infinites. All these types can be mixed in expressions and conversions are performed automatically. QtoNum can be used as an interactive calculator (command line) and as a calculus library.
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    Matlab VideoUtils

    Matlab VideoUtils

    Matlab Toolbox for reading and writing videos.

    Matlab Toolbox to process video files, which consists on a set of classes for reading, writing, correcting light changes and generating gaussian pyramids in real time. This toolbox is designed for Windows x64, Max OS X x64 and Linux x64. Through to use of Ffmpeg, it can reproduce and create videos very fast and also do no require to load the entire video file in memory. In addition the C++ code is already compiled in order to simplify the toolbox installation. In order to stay tuned...
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